Episode XLVII: The Most Overrated Pop Culture - Non Music Edition

The X Millennial Man is pack to take down the pop culture that is overrated. Do you know what HBO, it is just tv. It is time to take out the talent trash at ESPN. The part time animal activist on the internet need to let Harambe go. Let Ty and RD set the culture right. Download it today, and come on in for a listen.

Episode XLV: Millennials are from Marvel, Gen X is from DC - Remastered

Ty and RD update their debate on Marvel vs DC after the release of Captain America: Civil War. Is the debate over since everyone liked Marvel's new movie, and only RD liked Batman V Superman? Does the DC Rebirth show any promise?

The original conversation is remastered and presented after the new information. Come take a listen to where the debate started on why Gen X likes DC and the Millennials are tied to Marvel. 

Episode XLII: Mothers, Like No Others

Mothers Day is a time to celebrate the love of our great mothers. Ty and RD take a look back at the great moms of pop culture. Who is the symbol of motherhood from tv and movies? Why are there not more great moms to celebrate in our pop culture? Is Disney to blame? Come in for a listen and hear about why you should treat your mother right. Treat her right.

Happy Mothers Day

Episode XLI: Summer Movies of the Past and Future

The Summer movie season was born in the mid 1970's. Ty and RD spent the summers of their youth getting hyped, and getting disappointed, in the big popcorn fare flickering on the screen. Did dinosaurs rule the summer of the early 90s? Is there a better version of Gladiator that the X Millennial Man never saw?

The summer films of 2016 are examined in the second half. What will be the film of the summer of 2016? It will be Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping.

Episode XL: Won't Someone Think of the Children's Entertainment

Ed Note: We start the podcast with a remembrance of the greatness that is Prince.

The X Millennial Man has a couple of young children. These children need to be entertained. Ty and RD have seen their fair share of kids entertainment. What are some of the worst shows (PJ Masks)? What are some of the best (Wally Kazaam)? Is 6 hours way too much television, or not enough? Come on in for a listen and let us know about your views on the pop culture for the kids.


Mini EpisodeXXXVI-2: Batman v X Millennial Man v Superman

One half of the X Millennial Man saw Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and we are here to tell you all about it. Is it worth your money and time (maybe)? Should you really care what we and other film critics think (nope)?  Ty and RD also discuss if it is even worth having any stand alone Superman movies. 

Major spoilers at the very end of the podcast (there is plenty of warning) where RD talks about the end of the film.

Episode XXXV: A Batman for all Generations

Since 1939 every generation has had a Batman to call their own. Ty and RD take a close look at these different Dark Knights and how they define the generation. Who is the best to wear the cape and cowl? Who played the best Batman villain?  Can the "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" movie enhance the already great character? Come on in and take a listen.

Episode XXXIV: History of Modern Comedy Films - Part 1

The best comedy films have come out over the last forty years. There wil always be the classics like "Some Like it Hot" and "Duck Soup", but the age of great film comedy started in the 1970s. Join Ty and RD as the remember the best of comedy from generation x and the millennials. Are you ready to laugh?

Mini Episode XXXII-2: The Oscars are Dumb

"Mad Max: Fury Road" was loved by critics and audiences alike. It was on the top of everyone's best movies list. Unfortunately the Academy Awards did not think it was important enough to be the best picture. Why do the Oscars get it so wrong every year? Ty and RD vent their frustration about the Oscars and wonder when the great movies will get their little naked man statues. 

Episode XXX: Pop Culture Regrets

There once was a time that the X Millennial man loved the movie "Armageddon". We would be listening to our mix tape of 3rd Bass, MC Hammer, and Puff Daddy on the way to see the latest Ben Affleck and Liv Tyler vehicle. Our pants were tight rolled, and our pockets were full of pogs. We were so wrong. Join us and hear all about our pop culture regrets. What did you love that was so wrong? It was Steve Urkel right?

Episode XXVIII: Chewbacca Rules and Boba Fett Drools

RD grew up with Star Wars and loves it. Ty just recently sat down and watched all seven movies. There are many questions that need to be answered. Why does everyone love Boba Fett so much? Is Chewbacca the offensive line of the films? What does that even mean? Come on in and give the X Millennial Man a listen. We have the answers you seek.

Episode XXV: Looking Forward to 2016

The new year brings new hope for interesting pop culture. Can Star Wars: Rogue One live up to it's predecessor? Will Michigan football become dominant? When will all the Trump supporters finally disappear? Ty and RD look forward to all the great pop culture of 2016.  

Episode XXIV: The X Millennial Man (half) Year in Review

It has been a great half year in podcasting. Ty and RD sit down and discuss the best movies, television, music, and pop culture moments of 2015. There will be plenty of Star Wars and Michigan football talk. Come on in and discover the best of 2015.

Mini Episode XXIII-2: A SeedSing Festivus

A lot of people made Ty and RD angry this year. Donald Trump, the Cubs, even Star Wars are not immune to the complaints of the X Millennial Man. Stay till the end and we will actually talk about what we liked in 2015, including Star Wars.

Episode XXII: The Great Pop Culture Gifts of the Holiday Season

Ty and RD love the holiday season. The food, family, presents, and most important they love the pop culture. Great music, awesome sports, incredible television, and the best movies are all part of the seasons pop culture. Join us and have your spirits lifted.

Check out the greatest Christmas Carol ever

Episode XVIII: Your favorite things are no good and you should feel bad about liking them

There are pieces of pop culture that everyone seems to love. Everyone except the X Millennial. Like the Beach Boys, not us. How about Glee or American Horror Story? Hate to tell you that you like bad entertainment. Apple and Spielberg can do no wrong? Your faith in them are wrong. Come listen to Ty and RD be grouchy about the things we all love.

Mini Episode XVI-2: Anticipations and Heartbreaks

Sports heartbreak have left their mark on the X Millennial Man. Today they continue the conversation to discuss Pop Culture heartbreak. RD is still coming to terms with a certain movie. Ty is sad that in today's world we can not have foul mouthed little leaguers. Come take a listen and share your pop culture heartbreak. 

Episode XV: Millennials are from Marvel, Gen X is from DC

If you were born before 1980, DC is the best. Born after 1980 then Marvel has been bringing the better entertainment. That is what the X Millennial Man has on it's mind today. Is Marvel winning the pop culture war? Can DC still tell good stories? Is Lex Luthor running for president as a Republican right now? Come take a listen and be enlightened. 

Enjoy some supplemental reading:

Ty likes Marvel

RD likes DC

Episode XIII: Piracy on the High Internet

Piracy is rampant on all corners of the internet. Kirk and Ty have a lot of experience with bootlegged entertainment and as they have grown up, the way entertainment is consumed has fundamentally changed. They discuss how piracy practices became the norm for big companies. What value has internet piracy had for society? Is this a good or a bad thing? Come take a listen.

Indulge in some supplemental reading from Kirk.