Episode LXXXI: The Most Inspirational Leaders from Pop Culture


The X Millennial Man is looking for a good leader to follow. Unfortunately the only ones we found to be worth looking up to are all in pop culture. Join Ty and RD as they break down who the best leaders are from our movies, television, and comic books. Download for free today.

Episode LXII: First Annual Fictional Fantasy Draft

It is fantasy football season. To celebrate the excitement in creating a super team, the X Millennial Man is going to create the greatest fictional athlete team ever. We have teen wolves, Bad News Bears, and hockey player turned golfer. Will Ty have the balance of Cleveland Indians and Miami Sharks to take down RD? Will Johnny Lawrence sweep the leg to victory? Download for free and come on in for a listen.

Mini Episode XVI-2: Anticipations and Heartbreaks

Sports heartbreak have left their mark on the X Millennial Man. Today they continue the conversation to discuss Pop Culture heartbreak. RD is still coming to terms with a certain movie. Ty is sad that in today's world we can not have foul mouthed little leaguers. Come take a listen and share your pop culture heartbreak.