Episode LXXVII: The Meaning of President Trump and the Pop Culture Vital to Endure Him

No small man can stop me

No small man can stop me

The X Millennial Man brings Tina S back to talk about what the Trump Presidency says about the America. What does his rhetoric and actions say about the US int he 21st Century? Ty and RD then spend the second half of the conversation recommending movies and music that will help us all through the madness of the next four years. Download for free and join the conversation at SeedSing.com

Episode XXXVI: Wish We Could Have Been There

The great pop culture of today was influenced by people who have long stopped creating. Ty and RD discuss the music, comedy, and sports icons of the past that they would love to go back and experience. Bob Marley and Pink Floyd at their creative best. Lenny Bruce and Andy Kaufman defining modern comedy. Our favorite sports teams winning it all. Join us in the time machine and wish we all could have been there to witness greatness.

Episode IX: Concerts - The Good, The Bad, and The Cubby

Ty loves music, and he goes to a lot of concerts. He calls RD and remembers the best and worst shows he has seen. In the second part Ty talks about how a friend who goes to a concert with you can ruin the whole event. Is live music worth seeing? Let the X Millennial Man light your path.