SeedSing's Advent Calendar of Awesome Holiday Music: Day 6 - (When Is) Hanukkah This Year?

ed note: This article was originally published on December 3rd, 2015

The pre-Christmas Day season of Advent is upon us. Here at SeedSing we love the chocolaty goodness of getting a piece of candy once a day until we get to open our presents. As our gift to you we will present a new awesome holiday song for every day of Advent. This is the greatest music of the season. Enjoy.

Day 6: (When Is) Hanukkah This Year? by Melee

Opened Doors: OneTwoThreeFour, Five

When I was in college I decided to find religion. I was raised a catholic boy, yet the experimentation of my college years led me into looking for a new religion. I went to a mosque, Hindu temple, a variety of the Protestant churches, and a Jewish temple. On the particular day I decided to attend temple was in early December, and much to my delight they were celebrating the third day of Hanukkah. I had no idea it was Hanukkah time when I entered the temple. It was awesome.

The Jewish Festival of Lights has always been overshadowed by the large presence of Christmas. Nearly every person in the Western World is aware that Hanukkah is around Christmas time, yet almost no one knows when the holiday actually starts. I had such a great time at temple during Hanukkah that I wanted to come back every year. The problem is the next year I completely forgot to check when Hanukkah was being celebrated and I missed out on the festivities. The same date from last year was after Hanukkah of the past year. Oh well, I know that Christmas will always be on the 25th.

In 2009 Orange County based band Melee released "(When Is) Hanukkah This Year?". Melee used the biggest question Jewish people get during the holiday season, and made it rock. Very few people want to know what Hanukkah is about, we just want to know what day the celebration is held. Forget for a moment that Hanukkah lasts for eight days, we need to know the one day to associate for the holiday. We are comfortable with the idea of Christmas owning the same day every year. All the holidays that own a single day every year get way more attention. Some may say that Easter gets plenty of attention, and it is a holiday that does not own a day. The mostly christian religious community does put forth a big celebratory effort for Easter, but the secular community does not care that much. Everyone knows about "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" and "A Charlie Brown Christmas", but not many are familiar with "It's the Easter Beagle Charlie Brown". The holidays that own a day, own the full public interest. The holidays where we have to question what day it is on, will always have an uphill battle. Melee embraces this idea with their great tune.

The boys of Melee use "(When Is) Hanukkah This Year?" to inform the listener of what a typical American Jewish boy goes through during those eight days and nights. Reading from the Torah, lighting the Menorah, Manischewitz, golden coins, kugel, worried mothers and grandmothers, and many days of presents. The song is a rocking tour of the Hanukkah season. Once the dialogue of the first minute ends, Melee builds until the song ends in an incredibly rocking way. The only song people hear this time of year in relation to the Festival of Light is Adam Sandler's "The Hanukkah Song". There is nothing appreciative about the holiday in Sandler's tune. You learn about many fine people with Jewish heritage, but there is no information about the eight days and nights of Hanukkah. There was the animated movie by Adam Sandler Eight Crazy Nights, but the less said about the film, the better. Melee uses "(When Is) Hanukkah this Year?" to actual share the joy of Hanukkah. It is a song that made this gentile remember that great night at the temple.

To answer Melee's question, Hanukkah starts on December 6th this year. Enjoy the beginning of this joyous time of year. Light some candles, have some great Jewish food and drink, call your mother. Make these eight days and nights rock. By the way next year Hanukkah will start on December 24th, mark it in your calendars. Please do not ask your Jewish friend in 2016, hey, when is Hanukkah this year.

RD Kulik

RD is the Head Editor of SeedSing. He does not really recommend Manischewitz, but a good kugel is awesome. During these eight days of gift giving, keep SeedSing on your mind.