Today Was a Good Day


Joe Biden is the President of the United States.

Thank the gods

Four years ago on this very same day I was distraught. Somehow, and I will never ever understand how, Donald Trump won the electoral college and the presidency. He lost the popular vote, but we go by the the electoral college for some unknown reason to me, and that gave that con man the win. I knew it was going to be bad for four years. I knew things would get worse. I knew he wasn’t equipped for the job. I was not only distraught, I was terrified. I didn’t think it would get as bad as it did though. Racists came out of the bushes. Borders were put up. Kids were separated from their parents. Religion started to take over the government. The “president” said and did awful things daily. Throw in the pandemic, which he claimed would “go away in two weeks”, America was in a pretty terrible place.

November of 2020, or more likely October, I decided I was going to get involved, and do what I could to get Biden and Harris elected. I phone banked, sent emails, talked to people and let it be known that we needed a change. People went out, and mailed in, votes in enormous, never before seen quantities. When the race was called on November 7th, with Biden/Harris declared the winners, they had well over 78 million votes. When it was all said and done, after numerous recounts and failed objections from Trumpublicans, Biden/Harris had 81 million plus votes. Even after those terrorists tried to delay certification on January 6th, the senate and house reconvened and certified the win. This was the moment when all the objections and court cases and all other nonsense went out the door for me. There were just two more weeks until we would finally be free from the failed con man, and his cronies.

I woke up excited this morning. I had a sense of relief. My mom said she woke up to watch Trump leave to make sure he was gone. I woke up pumped to hear Biden and Harris speak. This was the first day in four years where I actually breathed a humongous sigh of relief. I went to my folks house to watch this historic day, and I am forever grateful that I did. I got to experience this momentous, breath of fresh air with them, and it was great. It was nice to hear adults speaking. I teared up when Associate Justice Sonia Sotamayor swore in Kamala Harris. That was a historic moment for a billion different reasons. We had a Latina Supreme Court judge swearing in an African American and Asian female as the VP. It was incredible. And Harris’ speech was something to behold. Again, it was an adult saying adult things, and promising to uphold her duties as VP, and I think she will do an excellent job. Then we got to hear Lady Gaga and Jennifer Lopez sing. They were spectacular.

Then Biden was sworn in.

This, right here, when the power officially was handed over, was the moment where I just felt this overwhelming sense of joy and comfort and normalcy. Sure, Biden may have not been my first choice as a Democrat, but I’ve gained an enormous amount of respect for him over the past six months. He is my guy and Harris is just amazing in every possible way. I know they have a hard road to hoe ahead of them. There is a lot they have to clean up. They need to help get the vaccine out to everyone. They have to reclaim America’s clout with other countries. Biden has to get his people approved for his cabinet. There’s a lot. But you know what, I have faith they will because they aren’t con men, snakes or salesmen. They know the job ahead of them, and I have full faith they will get a lot done. It also helps that the Democrats are pretty much in full control of the Senate and House.

I have waited four long years to have this feeling, a lot of us have in fact. But it’s a great thing to once again have some semblance of people more than qualified to have the jobs they now have, or will have very soon. I’m not distraught today, I’m quite happy. Now it’s time to get to work, which I’m sure Biden and Harris are already doing. Everyone take a deep breath, the adults are in charge once again.

Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Saturday Was a Very Good Day


This is a blog I have been waiting, and hoping, to write for four years now. And I know that the current "president" is trying to throw a fit, act like a petulant child, claim there has been fraud, is firing people for no reason, not signing documents and not conceding, but Joe Biden has won the 2020 presidential election. He, and Kamala Harris are the president and vice president elect, and on January 20th, they will be in the White House.

I am very proud, and relieved. I have been on pins and needles for over a week now. I was very, very nervous about the outcome. Even when Biden gained ground, and then took the lead in Pennsylvania and Georgia, I was still very nervous. After what happened in 2016, I will always be a bit nervous about election stuff. But it is clear that Biden/Harris have won. Even with the court cases, many of which are being thrown out daily, and many, many people within the GOP telling him to concede, there is no evidence to anything that he and his people are trying to say was wrong. What he is doing is a waste of time, and is going to hurt people every day in the long run. And even with the recounts and everything, Biden/Harris are so far ahead, it really doesn't matter.

With all of that out of the way, I want to tell everyone about my Saturday when I heard the excellent news. I had been checking the news hourly to get updates since election day. I would go to bed each night still scared of the outcome. I would wake up and see where the count was now, and how many votes were left, and do the math in my own head. I was a mess. I woke up, picked my kid up from his friend's house around 10:00am, and sat down to watch Michigan, who started at 11. At around 1030am I got a text from my mom, my brothers were all attached, including RD, and she said, "President Biden", and added three blue hearts. I jumped off my couch, I texted back, "is it real!!!! is it true!!!!". My mom said, "that is what is being reported", and then RD said, "Yes, it is true". I responded with a "Yes!!!!!!", and my brother Seth said, "YES!!!!! Goodbye Mr Cheeto". Which prompted me to text, "Yeah!!!! Hell yeah!!!!". Then my phone started to blow up with texts from my friends who share my political ideals. We were all joyous. I didn't even care what happened in the Michigan game that day, they got blasted by Indiana by the way, because this country had finally gotten some good, decent news in 2020.

This year has been pretty rough. We all know that. So to get some good news, to feel human and normal again, that was nice. I spent the rest of Saturday just kind of floating around. I went for a run and ran one of my fastest 4k's to date. I kept up with my friends via text all day. I felt like I was finally able to breath again. I felt, for the first time in a very, very long time, proud to be an American. Democracy worked. The people made their choice. And I know it is kind of hip to say, "well, 70 million people still voted for that monster". That's true, but 75 million, and counting, voted for Biden and Harris.

That night my folks were over, and we watched the acceptance speech. It was amazing. Watching Kamala Harris speak was a thing of beauty. She is such a good speaker, and her speech was truly amazing. I had both of my kids come into the room to watch with us because this is history. This is something they will talk about forever. This will be in history books and be studied and mentioned until the end of time. And when she said, "I may be the first woman, but I won't be the last", I teared up. I told my daughter, who is only five, that this proves she can truly be whatever she wants to be. This gives me hope. Her speech made me so very, very proud and happy and joyful. It was truly wonderful.

Biden's speech was exactly what I hoped it would be. He was gracious in victory, and then he turned immediately to the issues. He profoundly said that he will be a "president for all the people". He told people that didn't vote for him to not turn away, that he wants to help them too. He made many mentions to political parties, but he always came back to, "we are all Americans". It was exceptional. I was floating all day, and after the speeches, I was on a cloud. It was the first time in weeks, hell years, that I have felt calm and comfort. I know they have a lot of work to do, and it will not be easy. It is going to be quite hard in fact. But, I believe that Biden, and maybe moreso, Harris, are more than up to the task. They have already gotten a COVID taskforce together, they have met and they have plans. They just need that monster currently in the White House to accept the results, and let them get to work.

Saturday was a good day. It was a celebration that was a long time coming. And just like I had hoped, Biden and Harris did just that, and then got to work the very next day. Good job America, we did the right thing. Now let's let them do their job.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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We Need New Leadership

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It would feel odd if I didn't finish out this week with some kind of political and social piece. I will get back to the more pop culture stuff next week, but this week has been a historic one. I talked about the boycott, I talked about the shooting of another unarmed black man and I have talked about how this seems to be a moment, or at least the beginning of a moment, in the US.

There is something, hopefully, happening right now. People are fed up. People are sick and tired. People want change. Everyone wants equal rights. The time has come for an uprising, and a removal of racist assholes in positions of power. There has been so much civil unrest since the goblin that resides in the White House took office almost four years ago. It has all been bad. He has emboldened racists and fascists and, quite frankly, mentally unstable people. We are in the midst of a seemingly never ending pandemic. People have seemed to just push that aside. We have unemployment rates as bad as they have ever been. There are so many more problems where we sit today than there were five years ago on the exact same day. The US is a mess. The country is divided. Things are just awful. There are days I do not want to get out of bed because I am fearful for what the day will hold. My kids are currently learning virtually. This is all messed up.

We need to change. We need to get out and vote these monsters out of power. We need to be proactive and tell these monsters that enough is enough. Look, Joe Biden wasn't my first choice either. I am a dyed in the wool Democrat. I will always vote blue. But I was on the Beto train at first, then I jumped on the Warren train and then I was all in for Bernie. They didn't get the nomination, and I know that frustrates a lot of people who don't follow one particular political party. And, as I said, Biden wasn't even in my top five of choices. But then he picked Kamala Harris as his running mate, and I have watched him and her speak, and I am ready to run through the wall to vote for them. Change takes time. The country is going to be a two party system no matter what we do at the moment. So, I implore people to vote for Biden and Harris, even if they weren't your tenth choice. As my wife said the other day, "this is truly an election where we pick the lesser of two evils". I couldn't agree more. Go out and vote to get Biden and Harris in the White House. They will, at the very least, level things out. And during their time in office, the people who want there to be more than two political parties, go out and pound the pavement and do all you can to make this more than a two party system. But now, or in November at least, we need to do the right thing. We need Biden and Harris to win. We need them in the office.

I cannot imagine how much worse the next four years could be if the people currently in office stay there. They have shown no signs that they believe in science, that they care about anyone other than themselves, that they care about people that don't look like them, that they have a soul, it is all very, very frightening. I am truly scared what the US will look like if we get four more years of this nonsense. I don't know that it will ever be the same, but Biden and Harris have shown that they listen to scientists. They have talked about mandating masks throughout the country. They both clearly have empathy and souls and are willing to talk and, more importantly, listen to people of other races. We need to go out in record numbers and vote these monsters out. We need to show them that they cannot, will not, steal another election from the people. I'm sick of them acting like the CoronaVirus is gone. I'm sick of them claiming that people are safe. We are as far from safe as we have ever been, at least in my lifetime. And I'm sick of all the other lies and hatred and rhetoric and fear mongering that these scumbags have perpetuated over these last four years.

It is time to lead. Let's keep with this momentum. Let's continue to stick with one another and demand change. Let's get all the criminals out of the White House that are there right now. Please, I implore and beg you, vote in November. And if you are on the fence, or upset that it wasn't your pick, just take a look at where we are as a country right now and think about if you want four more years of this. Your vote is your vote, I just hope it is used for the right reasons this time. Please, please let's make some changes. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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Some Thoughts on Vice Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris


Joe Biden selected Kamala Harris to be his running mate in the 2020 presidential election. I have a few brief thoughts.

Thought #1 - This is awesome. I love the history making of the pick, the first women of color to be at the top of the ticket. I love the competency of the pick, Kamala Harris has the record and skill set to be the Vice President. I love the bravery of the pick, Trump and his minions were already planning on using Harris’s statements against Joe Biden during the Democratic Party primary debates, now she can directly answer their attacks.

Thought #2 - Who cares what Fox News and the right wing media machine thinks. The fact is no matter who Biden picked, they were going to attack. Trump is in the running for being the worst President in US history. He is a conspiracy theory peddling, angry, mean old man. There is no joy to Trump. The only thing his GOP media enablers have in their arsenal is the ability to attack people personally. I love that Kamala Harris will bring out the worst in the Trump backers. America can see the hate this group has for others.

Thought #3 - This only matters if you get out and vote. Trump is not popular, but he is powerful. He is also craven. It is obvious that the GOP is doing everything they can to delegitimize the 2020 election. Losers can only win through cheating, and the GOP is led by losers. Trump and his backers are not patriots, they do not believe in the Constitution. Like Trump, the GOP is filled with con-men and con-women. They will do everything. including a bunch of illegal stuff, to stay in power. Take their power away and make damn well sure you vote on, or before, November 3rd.

It is now time to get to work.

Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States. I like the sound of that.


RD is the founder and Head Editor of SeedSing

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