Welcome Clay Travis to the World of Hot Take Idiots

As I stated yesterday, I watched my Wolverines lose yet another bowl game. I have come to realize that they are a mediocre, pretty much irrelevant college football team. Yes, they have a big name, a big name coach, a big stadium, are on TV all the time, but when it comes to play on the field, they are a 9 or 10 win team at best. I hope this changes, and I think it can, especially under Jim Harbaugh, but for now, they are a mid level Big Ten team. That's the honest truth.

But, I am not here to douse more gas on the fire that the media has been hitting Michigan with the moment that game ended yesterday. Quite the opposite in fact. I am hear to ask, why does Michigan and Jim Harbaugh bear so much of the brunt from media members who have never, ever coached a single game, at any level, of any importance, ever? I have gone on the record stating how much I think Paul Finebaum actually loves Harbaugh because he is ALWAYS talking about him. A weekend during the college football season doesn't go by where he doesn't have some flippant comment about Harbaugh or Michigan. All this coming from a guy who looks like he never played a sport his entire life. It's okay though, he gets owned constantly on ESPN now by many, many former players that they currently employ. Go look up the whole Cam Newton-Eli Manning debate when Ryan Harris absolutely trolled the shit out of him on live TV. It was tremendous.

Today I want to talk about Clay Travis, who I can almost guarantee is a racist, and never did anything of consequence in the sports world, comments he made on Twitter yesterday. He said something along the lines of Jim Harbaugh being the most overrated coach in the history of college football. Now, I do agree with most people that Harbaugh hasn't done what many, myself included, what we thought he could do at Michigan. But still, he has a solid, winning record at Michigan, he has gone to a bowl game ever year, had them on the cusp of the playoff twice and turned a program that was in the toilet under Rich Rod and Brady Hoke, into a viable Big Ten contender. So, I want to ask Clay Travis, who was against his alma mater Vanderbilt taking the word "confederate" off a hallway sign, why is he the most overrated coach? What has he done to you personally that makes you think he is the most overrated coach ever? Is it because you placed a bet on Michigan, because you are a degenerate gambler, and it didn't work out the way you hoped? Or is it because you are a hot take dipshit that works for Fox Sports, and you always want to say some stupid shit that your dumbass fans will rally behind? I have to think that is the case. You know what Clay Travis, I am shocked, absolutely shocked, that you don't work for that frat boy website Barstool Sports, because your takes are as hackey as the nonsense they put up daily. I'm fed up with people who have never played, or coached at any level saying stuff like this, and it gets hundreds of thousands retweets. That is all he is doing this for. He doesn't care about Michigan football or Jim Harbaugh, he just wants the clicks, retweets and likes. He doesn't know what he is talking about. He isn't out here doing the things that major division 1 college coaches do. He doesn't have it in him to do that. He isn't good enough to do that. I told my father today that, since he thinks he is so smart, I'd like to place him in the job as head coach at Michigan for one day, that's it, just a day, so he can see how hard it is when idiots like himself say this nonsense on Twitter. Clay Travis is no better than Paul Finebaum or Skip Bayless or Stephen A Smith or Jim Rome. He is a wannabe, a hack and a phony. He was never able to reach the heights that these coaches he chastises have, and he is jealous. This is the pathetic state of what some consider real journalism.

My point? Clay Travis is as awful a human being as his takes. He is a nobody with no real accomplishments, except acting like a typical bro. Take his mic, phone and computer away from him, and he is just another average nobody. And he is certainly no Jim Harbaugh. You can take that to the bank. I'd much, much, much rather have Jim Harbaugh as the Michigan football coach then read another dumbass tweet from a Fox Sports moron like Clay Travis. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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