Ty Watches "The Super Mario Bros Movie"

Yesterday I watched "The Super Mario Bros Movie" with my son. He had already seen it, but he said he would watch it with me again. He liked it the first time around, but he did have some critiques. I think he wanted a second viewing to get a good grip on how he felt. He loved it this time around. I thought the movie was fine, but I was lost from time to time.

I'm not a gamer, as you all know. I used to try and play "Mario", but being the youngest of four boys I barely got to touch our Nintendo. I would go to my friends' houses who had Nintendo's, but we barely ever played. We would play "NBA Jam" or go outside and play sports. I even tried "Mario Odyssey" when my son first got his Switch, but I am no good at role player games and I gave up on it quickly. I say all this to say, there are a TON of inside jokes in this movie that flew way over my head. My son is 11 and he knew what they were talking about. That was good for me because if a joke flew over my head, he would explain it to me. It was a reverse of how we usually watch shows and movies. But it was nice to have most of this stuff explained to me. While asking all these questions, I would miss plot points or seemingly important story arcs in the movie. I was finding myself confused at times. I would have to rewind, which frustrated my son. After about 30 minutes I promised him no more messing with the movie. I was just going to go with the flow. A lot of stuff cruised right by me. But I did find myself enjoying bits and pieces.

The movie looks cool. Illumination did the movie, and it has that "Minions" look. I enjoy the little I have seen of "The Minions", so this animation was nice and familiar for me. I also thought it was very colorful and pretty. The mushroom kingdom looked spectacular. Bowser's spot was as creepy as it should be for a kids movie. Even the world before they go into the game looked good. I also liked the whole plot of Mario getting sucked into the mushroom kingdom and Luigi going into Bowser's spot. That made for a fast paced movie. That was also great. This movie is 88 minutes long. That is perfect. I very much like it when modern movies are 90 minutes or less. That is the best amount of time. I also thought the voice actors did a fine job. I know people were up in arms about Chris Pratt being cast as Mario. I'm not a fan of his generally, but he was solid here. Anna Taylor Joy was excellent as Princess Peach. Charlie Day crushed as Luigi. Keegan Michael-Key was great as one of the Toads. But they all paled in comparison to Jack Black. Casting him as Bowser was a stroke of genius. He was more than game and he was the best part about this movie by a wide margin. And "Peaches" is a legit good song. The two times they played it in the movie I found myself humming along.

I do think not knowing the lore took away a bit. Me not picking up on certain jokes and missing story points hurt a bit. Having to constantly ask my son who or what certain stuff was hurt a bit. And me not being a gamer definitely took away. The movie is fine though. I texted a buddy of mine who was curious of my thoughts and I told him what I am telling you all right now. He went so far as to say he didn't think it would move me. He was right. I think fans of the video game will really enjoy this movie. It feels like it was made specifically for them. And kids will enjoy it too. I'd go ahead and recommend it, but it is a soft recommendation from me.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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