You Better Believe I will Go See Tommy Wiseau's "Big Shark"

I am a fan of Tommy Wiseau. He is an odd dude, but "The Room" is endlessly watchable, for how truly awful it is, and he has made quite the name for himself in the midnight movie circuit. He has built a following, his followers are loyal and people come out in waves when he is attending a midnight screening of his first movie. I have been at one of these screenings that he attended, and he made us wait and wait, but it was worth it in the end to hear him spew utter nonsense and watch the movie with us all. I am such a fan that I even watched his two part movie he made with Greg Sestero called "Best F(R)iends". That was a movie that kind of worked because there was an actual story to follow and Wiseau played a weirdo. It was kind of perfect for him.

When I checked on social media today, just doing some scrolling, and saw that he has a full trailer for a new movie, you better believe I was going to watch it asap. I have now watched it multiple times and I have some thoughts.

His new movie is called "Big Shark". The title says it all. The trailer is only about two minutes, but from it I can tell that he has some friends acting in it, he is going back to his "hometown" of New Orleans, this shark will let you run and even hide but will find you and that the effects are very, very, very bad. I'm not joking. The effects make "Sharknado" look good. They make "Army of Darkness" look good, and that movie was all about how old looking the effects are supposed to show on screen. Hell, it makes the old school movies my dad saw in the late 50's and early 60's look good. When you see the big shark near the end of the trailer it is the worst effect I have bared eyes on. It looks like a poor screen saver from the late 90's. The shark kind of looks like a great whale if I am being 100 percent honest. And it comes barrelling out the side of the road and it looks as if it is swimming in a shallow puddle while it attacks people. The trailer also starts with two dudes, the aforementioned friends, boxing each other, with no fans in attendance. It is almost like they are just fighting to fight. And the shark isn't even chasing those dudes when it appears in the trailer. There are two other random people it is chasing. I don't know what the boxers have to do with the plot, but I'm sure I'll find out when I see it.

That is the thing, I will see this movie to see how bad it can get. It feels like Wiseau has given in trying to make a real movie that critics and fans will like. I think he is just making movies for his fans now. I think that is the lane he has chosen and he is okay with that. As am I. But don't get it twisted, "Big Shark" looks like it is going to be even worse than any movie the SyFy Channel has put out. And those movies are very bad.

The thing that got me most with this trailer is the button on the end. The trailer, as mentioned above, is about two minutes long. Forty-five seconds of this trailer are an underwear ad. Anyone who has seen "The Room" at a midnight screening knows the commercial I am speaking of. But for those that don't, this is an odd turn to have at the end of your trailer. There are two dudes fake playing basketball. There is no rim within sight and no one is on a court of any kind. The guys also have jeans on, and that is a no no in the unwritten rules of pickup basketball. Then Wiseau shows up with a blonde wig and talks about love. Then some random lady pops up and says the same thing Wiseau does. Then Wiseau shows up yet again, saying the same thing. The commercial ends with a website to buy said underwear, which is I'm being totally serious. This is how nuts Wiseau gets with things. This commercial is unnecessary and not needed, yet I watched the whole thing and said "that Tommy is a wacko". To no one mind you.

Go check out this trailer. You will not be disappointed. And you are damn right I will see this movie, hopefully at a midnight screening that Wiseau himself attends. Fingers crossed. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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