Ty Watches "RRR"

Last week I watched two movies that I really want to tell you all about this week.

The first is "RRR". I had heard things from people that I listen to on podcasts about this movie. Then spoke glowingly of it. Then I went and read some reviews, and this movie was getting super gassed up by the critics. Then I saw the description of it on Netflix and I was in. The only thing that made me hesitate was the run time, three hours and five minutes. That is a very, very, very long movie. But I broke it up over three different viewings over two different days. Both were in a row so I wouldn't lose too much from the story. But none of that matters.

This movie is amazing. All three hours and five minutes are more than worth it. I loved every second of "RRR". The long and short synopsis of the movie is, it is about two Indian revolutionaries in the 1920's overthrowing the British Imperialists. And it rules. I have become kind of weary with all the superhero stuff and all the retread stuff. There are way more "Doctor Strange 2" movies than there are "Everything Everywhere All at Once". The movie landscape has become kind of dull. But then a movie like "RRR" comes along and I get all excited again. The version I watched was in Hindi with English subtitles and then some people spoke English. All of that did not matter. Sure it helped to follow the story, but what makes this movie so incredible was the action sequences, which seem to go on forever and I still want more. These action sequences are some of the most incredible scenes I have ever watched in a movie. The director shoots them perfectly. Slow motion is used better here than in any other movie I have ever seen. The fighting looks and feels real. The CGI animals are so well made and so believable. They make the two main guys act and feel like superheros, but they are also just regular dudes. I have never seen a Bollywood movie before, but I understand dancing is a big deal, and the dance numbers in this movie were amazing. I was never really bored watching "RRR". There were some slower moments that they maybe could have cut out of the movie, cut it down to two hours forty minutes maybe. But all of that would be followed by another incredible action scene that would immediately pull you right back in. I also really enjoyed the flashback scenes. Not only did they tell the full story, but they had some of the coolest training and fight scenes I have seen in a movie in quite some time. Oh, and the music was cheesy and weird and glorious. Everytime they broke into song, and the lyrics would appear on the subtitles, I would laugh and smile and find myself bouncing my foot up and down. I was all in.

I was also glad that, outside the few people and reviews I heard, I knew very little going in. I didn't know until it started that it was over three hours. I had no idea it was going to be superhero-esque. I was oblivious to the dance scenes. I did not know the story whatsoever. But after watching it, I want to tell everyone I know to watch this movie. "RRR" is so worth your time. It is so good. It is what I want Hollywood to make, but they don't have the guts. This is one of the coolest and most unique movies I have seen in quite some time.

Obviously I recommend "RRR". Please watch it so we can all talk about it. This is one of the coolest movies that has ever been made.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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