Go Check Out The Air Fryer Guy

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During this current time we are living in I have been finding certain things that will let me forget, and put a smile on my face. I can't find much of this on Facebook or Twitter. Those are absolute minefields, and understandably so.

The well know n issue with social media is that everyone has an opinion, and they have no filter, or nothing stopping them it appears. Those websites are filled with so many mean and hateful things right now, I have only gone on there the past month to post my blog or to post pictures of my kids. It has been great for my mental health, and I highly recommend other people, people who know who they are voting for, who know that scientists and doctors are right and we should wear masks when in public with other people outside our personal bubbles, and you just want a break, do the same. It is awesome. I still find myself looking at Instagram though. It hasn't gotten too nuts over there, and the fact that people can post mini videos now, it is cool to see some old stand up, or clips from live podcast shows from last year. I also like Instagram because I like what people call "food porn". I like to look at delicious food, and since I am on a pretty strict diet right now, the "food porn" is kind of my way of scratching that itch.

One day when I was browsing the food stuff on Instagram, I came across a person that calls themselves the "Air Fryer Guy". We have an air fryer in our home, and I love that thing. I make chicken wings in it all the time. I made some last night in fact, and they were great. I have also made other chicken dishes and I have done a good amount of low carb stuff in our air fryer, that is the diet I am on, low carb and high fat. Our air fryer is great for that. So when I saw this "Air Fryer Guy", I was intrigued. I didn't really know what to expect, but I saw some people commenting how funny, but also that his recipes, at least some of them, are pretty good. I clicked on his page, and for the next hour I found myself cracking up, watching this gentleman cook every manner of food in his air fryer, all the while singing songs about what he was cooking. I thought it was great. I was pretty much on board from the jump.

The first video I saw was him doing a breakfast hack in his air fryer. With my kids back in school, I find myself having to make a quick breakfast, so I was intrigued by the video. The food was super simple, a piece of bread, an egg and a slice of bacon. But, while he is putting together the food, he started to sing, and I loved it, and thought it was hilarious. He was singing, "when you've got no time in the morning/and you want to make a beautiful breakfast/just put these things in the air fryer/and out comes a beautiful breakfast". That is it, that is the song. I should also mention, he is Australian, I believe. So he has the accent, he is singing a funny little jingle and he is cooking food in an item I use all the time. I also tried this hack with some low carb bread, and it is solid. I didn't sing the song, but I was definitely humming it in my head when I cooked it.

From there I watched pretty much every other video he has on his page, and I find most of them funny, and fun. He is a solid singer. He makes up goofy, but decent lyrics. He does videos where there is no singing, but like little sketches involving his air fryer. I showed the video to my wife and kids, and while my wife thought it was okay, my kids LOVE them, especially my daughter. She wants to listen to the songs all the time. She also likes when I try his recipes. We have done his cookie cake one. I made the cookie cake, and my daughter sang the song while I did. She and my son went on to devour the cookie cake. I have made his crispy pepperoni and cheese, the pepperoni wasn't that good, but the crispy cheese, that is now a snack staple my for me. There are other things we will try in the future, but for the time being, we like to watch the videos and sing along. I have videos of my daughter doing them acapella. My son will sing them time to time. My wife and I walk around the house saying "AIR FRYER" in our best accents we can muster. The songs are total ear worms, but I like them very, very much. He also has his own Spotify station, which we listened to on the way to school this morning.

The Air Fryer Guy is funny, he makes good videos and he is a solid singer with some solid recipes. I recommend people check him out if they want an escape or have an air fryer and are looking for new things to make in it. The videos, for the most part, also deliver some okay looking food. This guy is funny, he has a niche and is rolling with it and it is just nice to see someone do something different right now. Check him out. You will most likely enjoy yourself. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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