"Bob's Burgers" is a Great Show, and Now it is Also a Great Album

The best companion to a great tv show

About a week ago the television show "Bob's Burgers" put out an album of original music from the show. This has been done before. Most shows release scores and some original stuff from their series. I remember when "Lost" was on TV, they had a very memorable theme song, and a great song called "The Walking Song" that they released to the public. "The Simpsons" have released a ton of music. Like I said, it happens a lot.

What makes the "Bob's Burgers" record special is how many tracks are on it, and how well it is made. The album I bought off iTunes has 112 songs on it. That is a whole lot. Sure, most of the songs are less than 45 seconds long, but that doesn't make me like them any less. When I can hear stuff like "Burgers and Fries", "The Theme From Banjo", "Fracas Foam", "Da Ding Ding", "Weekend at Mort's", and so on and so forth, that makes me very happy. When they do go over a minute, the songs are still great. The extended theme to the show is wonderful. "Derek Dematopolis" is tremendous. "Bad Things are Bad" and "Good Things are Good" are both awesome. The little Fred Armisen run, when he played the health code guy, is great. "Sex, Sex, Sex", "Daddy" and the "Itsy Bitsy Stripper" are all very good, and very funny songs.

The standout for me, my family, and probably a lot of other people is the song, "Electric Love". This was in one of "Bob's Burger's" best episodes, and the song is dynamite. The song is about Thomas Edison's love for an elephant named Topsy. Gene writes the song, and while it seems that he and Tina are performing it, it is actually Gayle and Mr. Fischoeder. The song is so great. It is goofy and weird and just flat out bizarre. My wife and I have been singing and humming this tune since we first saw it. We hoped that one day it would be released to purchase. We sang it so much, our son, who was 2 or 3 at the time, would sing along with us. He still loves it to this day as well.

Another thing that makes this record great is that all the actors came on and sang the songs themselves. The whole cast, Jon Benjamin, Kristin Schaal, Dan Mintz, Eugene Mirman, John Roberts, a real standout as Linda, Larry Murphy, Sarah Silverman, Kevin Kline, Megan Mullaly, Aziz Ansari, Zach Galifinakis, Bill Hader, Rob Heubel, I mean, I could go on and on and on. They're all on this record on one song, or many. It's pretty cool that they did all this for this newly beloved show. What makes it even better with all these people, they might not be the best singers in the world, but if they brought on different people, singers and musicians, it wouldn't hold the same weight with me as it does with the actual cast. I love that Jon Benjamin sings monotone as Bob the whole time. I adore John Roberts over the top Linda voice that he uses, not only when talking, but especially when singing. I like Mirman's voice as young Gene. Gene knows he's not a good singer, but man does he try, and Mirman is exceptional at this. Mintz as Tina is more monotone than Bob because that is who she is. Schaal yell singing lyrics as Louise is just what I want from her on a record. It is so wonderful that they all stay in character and sing these songs.

On the record I bought, they do bring on some pros. There are a couple of guys from the band The National, St. Vincent is on a song, Stephen Merritt and Kenny Mellman do their own version of "Electric Love" and Lapsley shows up on the final track. And, while they do their own spin on previous tracks, they are not taking it seriously, and that makes it even better. Everyone is having a good time on this album, and you can definitely hear how much fun they're having when you listen to it.

So no, this isn't the first time a show has made an album, but to this point, I think this may be the best TV album that I have ever heard, and that includes anything from may favorite show, "The Simpsons". "Bob's Burgers" is an awesome, well written and incredibly well voice acted show, and music plays a big, big part on the show. I love this record and I highly recommend that any fan of the show go out and purchase it immediately, if you haven't already. Hopefully they make another one of these after they do a few more seasons. I'm sure it will be just as fantastic as this first record.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. In a freak coincidence, Ty talks about this album, and LeBron, and Trump on today's mini X Millennial Man Podcast. Download it for free today.

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