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It's May Day, a Time to Celebrate the Workers, Spring, and the Birthday of SeedSing

And so it began.

May 1st will always be a special day as it represents the launch of SeedSing. I wanted to use the internationally recognized Workers Holiday as the marking point for what we are trying to accomplish here at the website. Festivals dating back to the Roman Republic era have also used the 1st day of this fifth glorious month to celebrate the rebirth of spring. SeedSing exists to give voice to those who may not have a place at society’s table, and we exist to celebrate the blossoming of new ideas. We are happy to celebrate this May Day with you, and we want to celebrate where we have been and where we are going.

So what is the purpose of SeedSing? We live in a world where ideas are being monopolized by the wealthy and connected elite. Ideas are not commodities, they are the only thing we collectively share. Here at SeedSing we want to let the people take back their rights to having thoughts. We want to give you a voice. The global community is in trouble. The people at the top of the global economic system are only concerned with self-preservation, and they have used the media and government to solidify their power. SeedSing is the people's fortress where we can speak freely, and start to fix the world being destroyed by the top 1%. That is the purpose of SeedSing.

Having spent the last few years working on SeedSing, I have evolved quite a bit. What began as a way for local candidates to easily reach their voters has turned into a blog and podcast focusing on politics and pop culture. That makes Seedsing one of the billion plus blogs out there talking about these topics, but I feel like we have something more to offer. Most websites and podcasts disappear in less than one year. SeedSing continues because of the raw and unfiltered ideas that come from people who felt like their ideas were being ignored. The writers of SeedSing have free reign to express their thoughts, be it an experiment on using the meal supplement Soylent, the awesomeness of airports, the inhumanity of the healthcare system, or the lunacy surrounding the Unicorn Frapuccino. SeedSing would not exist without their ideas, and I cannot thank them enough for everything they have contributed to this project. The guest contributors, some known and some unknown, have also been an incredibly valuable addition to the conversation we are having. With two years of growth behind us, we are excited to keep the ball rolling.

Fixing the world through our ideas does not have to be done in dark room with gloomy music playing in the background. The joy of our culture and entertainment is where our voices can be strongest. The writing here at SeedSing concerning pop culture, led by the awesomeness of Ty, has been our most popular content, because it is fun and unique. We do not discuss the same old baby boomer culture that seems to always overshadow whatever new and exciting thing is happening. This is where SeedSing is leading the way to reclaim pop culture from the constant coverage of fifty plus year old standards. Add your voice and let our culture flourish, not decay under the old ways.

The X Millennial Man Podcast has been our most successful avenue where our seeds have been allowed to sing. The 2016 Presidential election gave us plenty to talk about, but we still make room to be the definitive judge on what are the best Simpsons episodes and what are the biggest snubs for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. These are the stories we do not hear in the regular media. Podcasting has been the common persons greatest weapon against a professional media who exists to solidify the status quo. SeedSing and the X Millennial Man will continue to be the voice of people, whatever they have to say

Where do we go in our third year?  We continue moving forward. SeedSing is growing, but we need your help. This is a project funded by the money and efforts of a very small group of people. Your help is always appreciated. How can you help? We want your voice. Tell us your thoughts. If you want to write, we want to publish your ideas. If you have an idea, but are not comfortable with writing, tell us your thoughts and one of our regular contributors will put together a piece. If you are not a writer, but still want to support SeedSing - financial support is always a nice thing. Other ways to help us out is to follow SeedSing on twitter, @seedsingrdk, and to like us on Facebook. We are thrilled to think about the years ahead of us, and we are even more excited about your continued support of SeedSing.

Happy May Day, International Workers Day, and happy birthday SeedSing. Come on in and join us. Allow your seed to sing and take root. You only have your ideas to set free.


RD Kulik is the Head Editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast