SeedSing Classic: Advent Calendar of Awesome Holiday Music: Day 18 - Tree of Life

ed note: This article was first published on December 18th, 2015

The pre-Christmas Day season of Advent is upon us. Here at SeedSing we love the chocolaty goodness of getting a piece of candy once a day until we get to open our presents. As our gift to you we are looking back at the great holiday music, movies, television episodes, and food of this great season. Enjoy

Day 18: Tree of Life as performed by Princess Leia

Opened doors: OneTwoThreeFourFiveSixSevenEightNineTen, Eleven Twelve, ThirteenFourteenFifteen,Sixteen, Seventeen

I am the father of a young son. One of my primary duties as a father is to teach my boy about being an intelligent, kind, and curious person. During the winter holiday season I have tried my best to introduce my son to the variety of holidays celebrated be different peoples. We put up lights for Diwali, we lit the Menorah for Hanukkah and will light the Kinara for Kwanzaa. I have also made a point of showing the boy all the great holiday entertainment of my youth. Because today is the opening of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I have been trying get my son excited for some new December entertainment. Yet there is one piece of holiday nostalgia that my kid will not get to celebrate this year. This will be another year without the infamous "Star Wars Holiday Special".

In 1978 Star Wars was a national obsession. People were enthralled by the film, kids were excited to be getting empty figurine boxes as Christmas presents, and CBS aired the only official showing of "The Star Wars Holiday Special". The public was not impressed. The comedy stylings of Bea Arthur, Art Carney, and Harvey Korman were made permanent members of the Star Wars mythos due to their involvement in the special. Disco legend Diahann Carrol gets to be Chewbacca's father's (Itchy) fantasy girl. A certain bounty hunter, who was fond of disintegration, was introduced through an animated short. In fact, the Boba Fett cartoon is the only part of "The Star Wars Holiday Special" that gives anyone fond memories. The only celebration was to be for a paid killer, not our heroes.

Then there was the music. The aforementioned Caroll sings, Jefferson Starship started their downward slide into 80s kitsch with a tune. Bea Arthur gets to sing with the Cantina Band (Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes). But the topping on this disaster cake was Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher)singing the song "Tree of Life" to the original Star Wars theme. 

Life Day was a Wookie holiday similar to Thanksgiving or Christmas. Like any great holiday, Life Day had it's own kind of carol. "Tree of Life", or also known as "A Day to Celebrate", hits all the important notes of any species celebratory season. Peace, harmony, togetherness, and many more themes are sung off key by an extremely sincere Princess Leia. "Tree of Life" and it's seasonal message has become more famous for being a "what the hell" type of song than one that makes people, or wookies, celebrate. Princess Leia did not ruin "The Star Wars Holiday Special" with the awful song, but she made sure the crash was as explosive as possible.

Today is a great day. We get a new Star Wars movie as an early Christmas present. I am very excited to infect my son's mind with all things Skywalker, Jedi, Solo, and more. I will not infect his mind with Star Wars lore that should be crushed in a trash compactor. "The Star Wars Holiday Special" may be spectacularly bad, and "Tree of Life" may be the rotten cherry on the trash dump, but we still have new Star Wars for the holidays. Today is a day to celebrate, to laugh, to dream, to grow, to trust, to love, to be.

RD Kulik

RD is the Head Editor for SeedSing and the host of the X Millennial Man podcast. He wonders what happened to Chewie's wife Malla, and their kids, between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. Did the Midichlorians get them? Make this a day for SeedSing to celebrate by liking us on Facebook.