Episode LXVII: Trolls and Other Monsters Who Live on the Internet

Think the house is scary. The people inside are way more creepy

Think the house is scary. The people inside are way more creepy

Happy Halloween. Join the X Millennial Man as they travel the spooky roads of internet trolls. What is a MRA, MGTOW, or a Donald Trump? Why should we not travel the same paths that these creepy characters travel? Download for free and come in for a listen.

Indulge in some extra reading.

New York Times: The 282 People, Places, and Things, Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List.

I Went to a Trump Rally to See for Myself. This is What it was Like. By H. Alan Scott

Episode LXV: Trump v Clinton - Then and Now

Whose future history?

Whose future history?

For over thirty years Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have been fixtures in our pop culture. In the 80's, the Donald was a larger than life figure who was always in the tabloids. In 1992, Hillary ushered in a new age of women in politics. The X Millennial Man looks back at the personal history of the two candidates and tries to make sense of the wild 2016 Presidential election. Download for free and come on in for a listen.

For some extra reading and watching - 

The Economist article referencing Trumps business success.

Hillary and Bill Clinton 1992 60 Minutes interview

Cracked.com article "8 Less Known Trump Stories That'd Derail Any Other Campaign"


Episode LVIII-2: Do Not Vote for Donald Trump Part 2

The race to be President of the United States in going into the fourth quarter. The X Millennial Man is asking everyone please, please, do not vote for Donald Trump. Ty and RD update their fears stemming from the Trump campaign, and ask if the true patriots will stand up for America. Download for free and come on in for a listen.

Episode LIV: Women Can Be the President Too

Hillary Clinton made history at the Democratic National Convention. We have the first woman who actually has a shot at winning the Presidency of the United States. Tina S joins RD to talk about the recent history of women on the Presidential ticket, and what new role did the First Lady take on the last forty years. Come on in for a listen.

Mini-Episode LII-2: Do Not Vote for Donald Trump

With the Republican National Convention in full swing, the X Millennial Man has a request. Please do not vote for Donald Trump? We need to treat the US Presidency as a serious thing. Join us as Ty and RD discuss what bothers them about the Trump's GOP. Are we wrong? Take a listen, then comment below on our misguided fear.

Mini Episode XLII-2: We Need to Talk About the 2016 Presidential Campaign

Is Trump v Clinton the worst election in US history? Ty and RD discuss the state of the American Presidential race. How did we get here? Will people really vote for Trump? How much booze will we need to get through the campaign season? Come on in for a listen and get all the answers to your burning political questions.

Episode XXX: Pop Culture Regrets

There once was a time that the X Millennial man loved the movie "Armageddon". We would be listening to our mix tape of 3rd Bass, MC Hammer, and Puff Daddy on the way to see the latest Ben Affleck and Liv Tyler vehicle. Our pants were tight rolled, and our pockets were full of pogs. We were so wrong. Join us and hear all about our pop culture regrets. What did you love that was so wrong? It was Steve Urkel right?

Episode XXV: Looking Forward to 2016

The new year brings new hope for interesting pop culture. Can Star Wars: Rogue One live up to it's predecessor? Will Michigan football become dominant? When will all the Trump supporters finally disappear? Ty and RD look forward to all the great pop culture of 2016.