Episode CCCLXXXII: The Story of Live-Aid

After the successful songs "Do They Know it's Christmas" and "We are the World", the music world wanted to capitalize on the public's interest in famine relief. In July of 1985 a concert was going to be held starting in London England and ending in Philadelphia USA. The event was called Live-Aid.

Join RD as he tells Ty the story of Live-Aid and gets his opinion on what is considered the greatest live show ever, and what is considered the worst rock reunion ever.

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Episode CCLXIII: Our Hottest Takes - Volume 1


Are the Guardians of the Galaxy movies just like Batman and Robin? Was the Game of Thrones finale actually pretty good? What decade had the best pop music?

Join Ty and RD as they give their hottest of hot takes on the pop culture of our times. It is quite spicy.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCXIV: Songs That Belong To Movie Scenes


Napoleon's dance, Wayne and his buddy headbanging, the first time we see Baby driving the getaway car, these great movie moments are made with the songs that go with them.

Join the X Millennial Man as they discuss how certain songs are forever linked to the movie scenes they were a big part of.

Download the podcast for free.