Ty Watches the Eric Andre Show: Season 4 Finale

I know that I'm a week late, I was hyper focused on basketball last week, but I'm back to recap the zaniness that was the season 4 finale of "The Eric Andre Show".

This episode started as most, with Andre destroying the set. He did his usual stuff after his name was announced. He trashed his set. He tackled his drummer and destroyed his kit. He beat the stuff up that was sitting on the set. But, at one point, he stopped, and talked two guys down from beating each other up. He stopped everything that he was doing and that these 2 guys were doing, and became a mediator of sorts. He told the 2 gentlemen that everything was going to be fine, and that they did not need to fight anymore. After they shook hands, Andre told them he was proud of their progress, then he proceeded to finish his destruction.

After all that, Andre sat down and Hannibal Buress was introduced. He came and sat down, and Andre got up to do his monologue. He said some nonsense, and then the show went to a pre taped segment.

This time around, Andre was dressed like the Ranch Dude, but he walked into a karate studio and kept saying, over and over again, "time to deliver a pizza ball!", and he literally had a ball of pizza. Any time that one of the patrons of the karate place came up to talk to him, he would say his catchphrase. This made the people at the studio furious. The leader of the place started to threaten Andre. He picked up some kind of a karate stick and challenged Andre to a fight. Andre did not back down, saying his catchphrase again and again, until he finally realized that the leader was not going to back down, so he left. This was one of the better skits ever. I have been walking around my house for a week now saying, "time to deliver a pizza ball!", much to my wife and kids chagrin.

We then go back to the set, and they introduce the first guest, Jack Black. Black seemed down for anything. He didn't look like he knew what was going to happen, but he rolled with all the punches. He answered all the weird questions and put up with all the usual nonsense. Finally, Andre busted out 2 cans of whip cream and asked Black if he wanted to do whip its with him, and he obliged. They did their whip its and some weird stuff happened after that. Black was foaming whip cream at the mouth. Andre seemed normal, but he was about to pull some stunts on Black.

First though, they went to another pre taped segment, and it was Andre walking around, dressed as a construction worker with a big piece of metal sticking out of his chest. He was stumbling around and asking people if they knew where the hospital was, or if they could help him get home, or give him a ride, anything to get people's attention basically. It was disturbing, yet funny.

They went back to the Jack Black interview, and at one point, Andre's coffee cup started to spurt out coffee. Black nearly jumped out of his seat. Andre just sat there and calmly said, "this thing is broken". I think his calmness freaked out Black even more. The coffee cup shot out more coffee, and Black ran out of the room.

Don't worry, he comes back, and this time, after explaining that his brain felt fried from the whip its, Andre and Buress attached a lie detector test to him, and they tell him that any time he lies, he will get shocked. They ask some easy questions, but any answer Black gives, they shock him. He keeps yelling at Buress and Andre that this is ridiculous, and that he wants out. They push it a bit further, but they finally let Black leave the stage.

After Black, they have Jeanette McCurdy on. I did not know who she was, but my wife told me that she was a Disney Channel actor. Anyway, Andre begins the interview asking random questions about acting, and nude photos surfacing. She claims that is not true, but he pulls out a picture, but it is his same one from all season, of a photo shopped nude photo of Obama. McCurdy laughs it off. I was surprised by her attitude, but it soon changed. After this, Andre started to push. He got right in her face, told her he was not in a good place, and kept telling her that he loved her. McCurdy was definitely put off by this, answering him calmly, but looking extremely uncomfortable. She immediately left after this interaction.

Finally, something we have all been waiting for, Andre finally got to investigate the band 311. This has been a long running joke on the show for all 4 seasons. He is always talking about investigating and interrogating 311, Well, he finally got his chance. The band was playing one of their songs, but they were all tied up or put in some kind of interrogation type situation. The lead singer kept getting shocked, the drummer couldn't drum, the bass player was bound and the other singer and lead guitarist was tied up and eventually water boarded. It was totally worth the wait. It was all done in jest of course, but man was it hilarious and totally worth the wait. At one point, when both the singers could not sing, T-Pain came out and started singing for them. The episode, and thus, season 4, ended.

This was a great season of "The Eric Andre Show". It was bizarre, odd, gross, disturbing, but above all else, hilarious. I love this show. I love Eric Andre and Hannibal Buress and Adult Swim for putting this show on TV. I cannot wait for season 5 and you better believe that I will be back to recap all the episodes for everyone. What a great season of this great show.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He wants to investigat on why UB40 thinks they are a reggae act. Stay tuned. Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

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