Ty Watches "Hot and Heavy" Series Premier

I have talked many times on this site how I now enjoy reality TV, and how TLC has become a channel my wife and I watch a ton lately. We love a good "90 Day Fiance", my wife likes "My 600 Pound Life" and "Say Yes to the Dress", and she has even gotten me to watch a "Gypsy" marathon show every now and then. Last night we decided that we were going to watch their newest show together. We saw a preview for said show, and we were immediately intrigued and decided then that we would watch this show when it premiered. The show in question, it is called "Hot and Heavy".

So, for those that may not know, this show is about, and I LOATHE this term, "mixed weight" couples. And if you think that sounds absurd, you are very, very right. Anyway, this show is about guys that are supposedly in good shape that date women that are overweight, or in some cases, as one doctor put it, "morbidly, and grotesquely obese". Yes, this show is as insensitive as this minor description may have you thinking it is right now.

The couples, there are three of them, each have their own little 5 to 10 minute blocks where they talk about their "mixed weight" relationships. We have one couple where the guy, his name is Rusty, is married to his wife, I think her name is Trish, and she weighs around 330 pounds. This guy Rusty is a real piece of work. He says some pretty upsetting stuff to his wife, that he thinks is cute and fun. It is not. And in this premiere episode, when the wife decides to see a doctor about a possible weight loss surgery, the husband is so offended that she would do this without him, and he is very opposed to her getting the surgery to lose weight, Never mind the fact that she is a diabetic, and the surgery could help her live longer and conceive a baby. None of that matters to this moron. He wants her to stay big, no  matter what. This gentleman clearly has a fetish, but he won't admit it.

There is another couple, they are from Canada, and they had a baby after only 2 weeks together. I do have to say, for how absurd this show is, this couple seems to be legit in love. But, TLC definitely hired a couple of kids to yell at the lady while she is eating ice cream, and they even call her a cow and moo at her. I mean, this was totally unnecessary and rude and unneeded, but TLC had to find a way to manufacture some drama with this couple. They don't seem to really fit in with this show, and it seems like TLC is going to have to fabricate some stuff if they keep this couple on.

There is one final couple, that also seem genuinely in love, but all the outside people are real pieces of work. The guy and girl seem to have a solid connection, but the girl is always putting on a show when she meets new people. She amps up the personality, and it is a struggle to watch. As for the guy, well, his family and friends are very mean people, and they say some super hurtful things about his girlfriend. When he asks her to come out to meet his friends, every one of them, except the wife of another friend, were just awful. They gave her odd looks, they acted nice to her face but said some rude stuff behind her back and they just seemed artificial. The guy's family, especially his mom, were straight up rude, except his sister. His sister could care less what the girlfriend looked like, as long as he was happy. But the mom kept talking about how she used to be heavy, and how she doesn't want her son to have to take care of someone that is bigger than him. She came off extremely mean and nasty. It was upsetting.

All this leads me to say, I guess TLC is at a point now where they will make up some nonsense like "mixed weight" couples, and just slap it together and throw it on camera. This show was offensive to heavy people, was mean, is ridiculous, and didn't have to ever be made. But, TLC must have accomplished their goal because I am here talking about it today, I told my folks about it, I'm sure my wife is talking about it at work today and it was blowing up on social media last night. And I hate to say, I will most likely watch the rest of this season, and if it comes back, I will probably watch it again. It is unnecessary, but also kept my attention. That is embarrassing, but true.

I will watch "Hot and Heavy", I will complain about how people treat other people and that means TLC has won. They broke me.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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