Donald Trump and the Extinction of the White Man

Welcome to the fossil record GOP

Welcome to the fossil record GOP

Contrary to popular belief, Charles Darwin was not the first person to use the term  "survival of the fittest". Philosopher Herbert Spencer used Darwin's ideas of natural selection and incorporated them into the social economic world. In the late 19th century the the use of "survival of the fittest" was being co opted by people believing in the idea of Social Darwinism. Many business men, right wing philosophers, and politicians would use the "science" of Social Darwinism to justify their consumption of natural resources, their lust for war, their consolidation of wealth, and their misogyny and racism. All of the practitioners of Social Darwinism were white men.

Donald Trump is not a Republican, at least not in the way the Republican Party has been trying to brand itself. The current GOP believes that the public sees them as a small government alternative to the tax and spend ideals of the Democratic Party. The Republican PR machine thinks people will vote for their candidates because the party believes in personal responsibility and freedom. According to the GOP, we only need a government for military purposes, and to execute criminals. Everything else should be left up to the individual. 

Unless you are a woman, then the Republican Party wants to be completely part of your life. Equal pay for equal work is something the GOP has been using large government to stop for decades. The personal health of a woman's body has been obsessed over by the Republicans in Washington D.C. for nearly half a century. Oh and if you are a minority, the small government Republicans want use the full power of Washington D.C. to control your life. The absolute desire to allow housing and hiring discrimination are top of the mind when it comes to the GOP in DC. They cannot leave those decisions up to the states, it has to be a federal issue. If you are poor, the Republicans think the federal government has every right to control your lives. One's right to vote or to collect needed assistance has been a key point to Republican policy in the seat of federal power. All the talk of personal responsibility and freedom, that only applies to the class of rich white men.

This true face of the Republican Party is what Donald Trump represents. The face of misogyny, disdain for the less fortunate, and racism. The 19th century acolytes of Social Darwinism, that is the 21st century Republican Party. Donald Trump makes the establishment uncomfortable because he has removed their mask and exposed their true self. Everything Mr. Trump believes, and that the Republican Party believes, is all about keeping established white men in power. They want to protect a social group that is rapidly going extinct. Donald Trump and the GOP are fighting nature and are about to disappear from the world.

Once humankind planted seeds in the ground and started to create communities society began to evolve. We created homes, cities, and countries. The growth of the community caused the creating of laws and social structure. Monarchy gave way to the republic. Plutocracy gave way to economic socialism. Power being held by a few men gave way to nations being led by publicly elected parliaments and led by female prime ministers. Society evolved by including more citizens. The monarchs of France, who would not evolve, lost their heads. The Czars of Russia, who did not listen to the next generation, were shot. The fascists of the Soviet empire, who would not flow with history, were all deposed. Those that fight history in order to keep the status quo always lose. Always.

The GOP has been trying to reverse social evolution for over a century. They dress up their antiquated views with fancy language that appeals to a minority of Americans. Donald Trump has stripped away the fancy language and embraced the core ideas of Republican Social Darwinism. Keep money and power in the hands of rich white men and do what ever possible to control everyone else. These ideas will not make society progress. These ideas are doomed for extinction, and the practitioners of these views are doomed to disappear. The age of the white man is over. They are not fit enough to be part of the future.

RD Kulik

RD is the Head Editor for SeedSing. Do you disagree? Come write for us.



I Fully Endorse Sarah Palin Endorsing Donald Trump

This is one public housing project Donald Trump will not make a deal on.

This is one public housing project Donald Trump will not make a deal on.

The honorable ex-half Governor of Alaska has made her choice for President of the United States. In order to make America great again, political power boss Sarah Palin has given her full support and endorsement to the inept New York City con-man known to all as Mr. Donald Trump. I fully endorse this political marriage. This was meant to be. The national Republican party has been building towards this moment. All of their actions, and rhetoric, the last ten years has been building towards Trump and Palin. Now the country has real hope.

The hope is that the Republican party will either disappear or get their act together and move away from all the hate. The platform of the modern Republican party is one of obstruction, whining, and ugliness. Sarah Palin was the one of the first politicians to capitalize on these tenets, and Donald Trump has incredibly moved to the front of the field of Republican Presidential hopefuls embracing these philosophies. These two "leaders' of the GOP have taken all the white male angst and commoditized in order to create more personal wealth. Palin and Trump have no intention to lead, they only exist to enhance their own personal brands. It is sad that one of the two political parties has decided to throw in with two people who are against the ideals and dream that is America.

Trump and Palin may get all the media coverage, but most of the Republican presidential field can be thrown in with these anti-patriots. Chris Christie is a blowhard with no plans and a horrible public record. Marco Rubio has no core beliefs, is generally ignorant, and lacks very little ability to tell the truth. Ben Carson is horrible at pandering and does not seem to be very intelligent. John Kasich is a typical rob from the poor give to the rich Reaganomic Republican. Ted Cruz is a loathsome fellow who seems to just hate the entire idea of the American dream, plus he is not really even eligible to be President. The rest of the field is not even worth talking about becasue they act the same as those in the lead of the polls, and they have no shot at winning the Republican Primary.

I know it seems that I am joyful in watching the demise of the GOP.  I am actually quite sad. Do not make a mistake, I am very happy that the current form of the Republican Party will be once again humiliated in the November election. At least they will be humiliated in the Presidential election, any other election and the Democratic party does not seem to give a damn. The Republican Party used to offer an actual philosophical difference on how the government should run. I did not always agree on this philosophy, but we could have an actual debate on the future of America. The current field, led by the brain trust of Donald Trump and Sarah Palin, just want to cause chaos and division. They have no plan to govern. They have no view for a better America. These Republicans, who claim they want to lead America, really just want to fatten their own pockets, and the pockets of a very small group of old wealthy white men.  I am joyful that this disease of political thought we call the Republican Party may finally die out with another national humiliation. I am hopeful we can get back to debating different views for a stronger, and better America.

Sarah Palin's endorsement of Donald Trump for President is the perfect catalyst to start the demise of the hate filled Republican ideology. Trump has a history of going against classic conservative ideology, and Sarah Palin only knows how to be an opportunist. They both deserve to be ejected from the GOP. I am hopeful that this dynamic duo will finish the job of tearing down the modern Republican victimhood complex. I am hopeful that all the racists, misogynists, plutocrats, and anti-patriots who the media likes to prop up will finally crawl back into their holes and become obsolete. Let them go back to defending the Confederate flag and posting vile Facebook posts so the rest of us can identify them as people who should not be a part in crafting America's future. It is time for the hate peddlers to exit stage left. Let Trump and Palin lead the exodus.

Trump / Palin 2016 has my full blessing. In November we can all watch the Republican ticket get obliterated by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party's Vice Presidential nominee. Sarah Palin can go back to being a quitter and a loser. Donald Trump can continue to spew his hate and live with his inadequacies. The GOP can take stock of their humiliation and rebuild.  My hope is that the party learns and gets back to offering different ideas. Maybe they can find a dynamic politician who can create voters and have an intelligent discussion about America's future. Have they considered Rand Paul?

RD Kulik

RD is the Head Editor for SeedSing. He has worked for the Republican and Democratic Parties, and has been on the losing end every time. He know wants to win with great citizen journalism and needs you to write for SeedSing. Do not feel like writing, we could always use some financial support.