Ty Watches "Awkwafina is Nora from Queens" Series Premiere

The other day I was able to watch the premiere episode of "Awkwafina is Nora From Queens", and I have to say, this show looks like it is going to be great. I am a fan of Awkwafina. I have seen her in some of her roles, movies like "Crazy Rich Asians", "Ocean's 8" and "Neighbors 2", and her character has always left an impressions on me. She is hilarious, she is loud and she hits the right comedic note almost every time. So when I saw that she had a show on Comedy Central, that she co created, I was going to watch. And, like I said, the pilot didn't disappoint.

The show is about a late 20's person with no real ambition or direction in her life. She lives with her dad and grandma, is an Uber type driver and likes to sleep in and get high. She has a close friend who is willing, and able, to help her out if needed. But other than that, she is on her own, and she is going nowhere. In the pilot, Awkwafina's humor and acting shined through. She was hysterically funny. The way she talked, what she talked about, how she talked about certain tings, I was in stitches. There is a scene where she is sleeping in her car, and a tow truck guy comes to tell her that she is in a no parking zone. What happens from there, how Awkwafina acts as Nora was riotous. From the arguing, to the fact that she wasn't wearing any pants, it was perfection. And there was plenty of other moments that made me literally laugh out loud. The hoarding stuff was great. The interactions with her and her dad, played by BD Wong, was hilarious. The stuff with her tech savvy cousin was pretty funny. The way the show was shot, and how they cut from scene to scene was pretty inventive and cool. I was in for all of it. One of my favorite scenes was between her and her friend, when she decides she needs to get her own place and ends up crashing with her, when Nora is upset and crying, but still taking bong rips, I was absolutely cracking up the whole time. And this was all do to how Awkwafina portrays Nora.

I really feel like this show is going to prove to people how versatile, and funny, Awkwafina is as an actress. I know she raps, that she has done dramatic things, and played the goofy best friend, or been the comic relief in most things. But, she is the star in "Nora from Queens". The show goes as she goes, and if the pilot is any indication, this show can last as long as she wants it to. I don't think they will get to a point where they run out of funny material that she can pull off. I'm all in on this show. I cannot wait to watch the next episode, and the rest of the season for that matter.

This is a really good, really funny new show that I think people should definitely check out. I highly recommend it.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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