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Listens to The Gorillaz "Cracker Island"

The Gorillaz put out a new record last Friday, "Cracker Island". I am a fan and was very excited to hear some new music from them. I have listened to the album from start to finish two full times already and started a third today. Usually when a new album comes out from a band I enjoy I tend to listen to what I consider the hits after one full listen.

The good thing about "Cracker Island" is all the tracks are really, really good. I have not found a song that I want to skip or feel I can just breeze through. I am a Damon Albarn fan as well, and I especially like the work he does with the Gorillaz. This record feels like it is a mix of what made them great when they started in 2001 and what has help them sustain that all the way through to today. From their self titled album, which was all I played when I went to college, to "Demon Days" which showed this band exploring new genres, to "Plastic Beach", which was recorded completely on an iPad to this new one, it has all come together to form something close to a perfect dance pop record.

Like other Gorillaz’s ablum’s, this is not short on big time cameos. Thundercat plays the bass on the opening track and adds some vocals. Thundercat is awesome and anytime he is on a track from an artist I like I get very stoked. Stevie Nicks is on the second track, "Oil". She sounds as great as ever and adds some real rock star vibes. An artist I have never heard of, Adeleye Omotayo, appears on "Silent Running" and I instantly became a fan. Tame Impala and Bootie Brown add a great layer of alternative rock and hip hop on "New Gold". It is currently my favorite track on the album. Bad Bunny, one of the most streamed artists ever, shows up on "Tormenta" and it is the first time I have heard his music and I am dig it. I will be checking out more. The record closes with a feature from Beck, and it is amazing to hear him and Albarn trade vocals back and forth. The music that accompanies the song is really rad too.

The Gorillaz also do songs just the four of them, and there is some very good stuff here. "Tired Influencer" is nice and soft. It has a very cool and calming vibe to it. "Baby Queen" and "Tarantula" are very cool and remind me of old school Gorillaz. And "Skinny Ape" is a very fun very well played song.

Basically, the whole record works on every level. Albarn is a genius and has gotten genius people to work with him on all of their records. I was listening earlier today with my dad and told him that I was never able to get into Blur, try as I might, but I really like Albarn's solo work, but I truly love what he has done with Gorillaz. This whole concept seems odd and pretentious, but it is neither of those things. Instead, this band works. They make great music. Albarn put a gimmick to Gorillaz, maybe to sell the idea, but it has gone beyond any expectations I could have ever had. The gimmick works and does not feel gimmicky at all anymore. I see the videos of the band and I relate the cartoon characters to the music, knowing good and well that it is Albarn and one of the most talented group of musicians I have ever listened to.

"Cracker Island" is an achievement. It is one of the best Gorillaz records to date and one of the better records I have heard in some time. Now excuse me, I am going to listen to the record another time, and then a few more. I suggest you do the same. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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