Liquid Death is Worth the Life of Your Thirst

Whenever RD and I record a podcast we always have a drink. You gotta keep that throat clean. You need to liquid because we talk so much. We don't want to dry out. I'm simple, for the most part. I have either water or coffee, depending on the time we record. We do these virtually as well. I live in Saint Louis and RD is in Ohio. It is easy and we have found out how to make it work. So I always see his drinks. I usually see zero calorie Gatorade or Diet Mountain Dew or some other diet soda varietal. He also has water from time to time.

Recently though he was drinking a can that looked like a tall boy. I thought he was maybe drinking a beer. I am not one to judge. We also do the recordings, for the most part, in the afternoon. More power to RD I thought. So I asked him why he was drinking a beer the first time I saw this. He told me he wasn't having a beer, he was having something called Liquid Death.

I scoffed. I made fun of the name. He told me their slogan is "Murder your thirst", and that made me cackle. I was judging this product without knowing what it tasted like. I was doing the thing I try not to do. He had it again during another record and I gave him the business again. I could see the full can now, and I saw the skeleton head they had on the can and I judged it some more. To RD's credit, he sang Liquid Death's praises. He loves it. He told me he orders cases of it all the time. I was still skeptical.

One day while my daughter and I went on an after school adventure we ended up at Five Below and they had some Liquid Death in a cold case. I wanted something cold and they had no zero calorie sports drinks. I had also had a good amount of flavorless water, the best drink in the world, throughout the day. I did not want any soda either as I am trying as hard as I can to cut back on diet soda. I do not drink full sugar soda. So I grabbed the Liquid Death and laughed to myself. I figured I was going to be right and RD was going to be wrong. I thought it was going to be a run of the mill sparkling water. I did not expect it to "murder my thirst". I got the lime flavored can and we checked out. I popped the top and took a swig as we drove off.

I was stunned at how much I liked the flavor. I could really taste the lime. It was strong. I like that when it comes to sparkling water. I want to taste the flavor. That is why I prefer AHA, and even more so, Spindrift to La Croix or Perrier. I want the water to be flavored. I want my lips to pucker a bit. The more I drank the lime flavored Liquid Death the more I realized I was wrong. RD was right. This stuff was awesome. I could not believe that I liked it. I also could not believe how much I liked it. All the past discretion and shade I threw Liquid Death's way was totally misplaced. I was wrong and I could not be happier to be wrong.

My daughter and I hit up Five Below yesterday and they had mango flavored Liquid Death. You better believe I grabbed a can. I drank it so fast that when my daughter asked to try it, I had to tell her it was all gone. She responded with "ALREADY DAD!!!, YOU MUST REALLY LIKE THAT STUFF!!".  She was shocked at how quickly I took down the 16 ounce can. I loved the lime, but this mango flavored one is an absolute home run. I love mangoes and mango flavored candy and drinks. This mango Liquid Death is right up my alley. I was such a happy camper drinking it.

I am sorry to RD and to Liquid Death for being such a hater. This stuff is good, and it does a good job of quenching my thirst. I am a fan and a convert. Now I think I'm going to buy a case. I suggest you do too. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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