The Joys, and Dangers, of Eating a Whole Bag of Cadbury Eggs

During Easter, which I vaguely celebrate for the candy, I usually get a bag of Cadbury Candy Coated Chocolate Robin's Eggs. These are, hands down, my favorite candy. They have surpassed Snickers and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Peanut M&M's. I do not know what Cadbury does with this treat, but my goodness is it tasty. I look forward to Easter because I know that my wife will be buying me a bag. But since I started doing low carb almost ten years ago, and have cut back on a good amount of sugar, I have come to realize that these Cadbury Robin's Eggs are a trigger food for me.

For those that do not know what a trigger food is, it is some type of food that you cannot be trusted with alone. I know some people who have Cheetos as their trigger food. My wife has said that Cheeze Its and Ruffles are trigger foods for her. I know it used to be licorice for my mom. Lately my dad has mentioned that black jelly beans are a trigger food. Everyone has one and it can get bad. This happened to me last night. I am home alone for the week with the kids. My wife is on a girls trip all week, and since the school year is still going, I am home with the kids. It is no problem at all. My kids are good. They listen enough. They are ten and six, so they can entertain themselves for a bit so I can get a break. And they go to bed relatively early. They are a delight.

Last night I was doing a good amount of catching up chores. And I did a good amount of yard work during the day to get that out of the way. So I got a solid workout in doing all that good stuff. I also ate pretty well all day. I had some carrot cake and a cup of coffee for breakfast. I had leftover pea salad and leftover turkey from Easter for lunch. And I had a minimal snack of jelly beans and some Cadbury Eggs. I laid off enough by putting them in a small bowl so I wouldn't over eat. I felt fine. I also went really low carb for dinner, having a whole wheat low carb chicken quesadilla. I also had a small amount of corn salad. So I felt like I did good. Then the kids went to bed and I turned on the TV to let myself relax. I did well at first. I had a small bowl of salt and vinegar chips and a Cadbury Caramel Eggs. Side note, Cadbury makes the best chocolate. Full stop. But I still felt hungry. What I should have done was drink some water or some seltzer water. What I did instead, well, I am still feeling the after effects today. I had about half, maybe 2/3 of a bag left of my Cadbury Eggs. I grabbed the bag and put it on the armrest of the couch. And while I watched TV I would grab a few eggs here and there. I figured I would stop after a few, but I did not. A few eggs became a handful. Then a handful turned to two handfuls. Before I knew it, the bag was empty.

I still felt okay after eating the rest of the bag, until I got up. I stood up off the couch and my stomach immediately hurt. I had gas all night. I kept sitting up in my bed to burp. I tossed and turned all night. I woke up with the same stomach ache. It was rough. It was around 9:30 when I finally started to feel better this morning. I went to my folks house, had some coffee with my dad and ate a very light breakfast. I also just had a late, light lunch. But I still feel a little off.

I guess the point today is, be careful with trigger foods. They can be very tasty and very enticing, but the after effects are not worth it. I felt really bad, and my mind tricked me while I was eating them that I was okay. Food is great. It is the best. It can be comforting. But when it gets to the level it got for me last night, that is the bad part. That is when food can become your enemy. I have not felt like this for almost 20 years, and now I remember why. Try to limit your intake of trigger food. Try to avoid it if you can. I think that would be best. I go back to a time when my wife and I first started dating and she dumped out a bag of peanut butter M&M's directly from the bag to the trash. I was appalled, but now I get it. She did the right thing. I should have done exactly that last evening.

Be careful when it comes to the foods you love. They can turn on you. I feel like I have learned my lesson, but time will tell.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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