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"Dave" Delivers an All Time Great Episode

This season of "Dave" has been weirdly awesome. I like how totally off track and different they have gone. The season was filmed during the start of the pandemic, and it shows. It also shows how prepared and safe they were while making this season. I loved the first season of the show too. I believe that I had it on my best of list. The second season wraps up this evening, but last week's episode is what I want to talk about today.

I think it might be the best 40 minutes of TV I have watched this year. This episode ranks up there with the "Teddy Perkins" episode of "Atlanta", or "Behind the Laughter" on "The Simpsons". Those are two of my favorite TV episodes of all time. I think I like this more than the first season of "Dave" episode where we found out that GaTa is bipolar. This was one of the most perfect written and acted episodes this show, and many others for that matter, could ever wish for.

For those that may not watch or know, this season has been pretty much all about how Dave is having severe writer's block. He got his record deal near the end of season one, and this season has focused primarily on his past and how hard it has been for him to come to grips with making a full length LP. It has been exquisite and the penultimate episode was a perfect encapsulation of all the troubles he has had all season. It starts out with him going to a very swank house in LA which we come to soon realize is Rick Rubin's place. Then from there it is a crazy sci fi/comedy/horror hybrid that was wonderfully bizarre. From the people who work for Rick Rubin, to the deprivation tank to the visions and to the finality of the episode, it was a mind f in all the best ways. When he deals with Rubin's people, I actually believed that these are the type of people Rubin would hire, and I absolutely adore Rick Rubin. I have written about my love for him and how I think he is the greatest producer of all time. He is also a super weirdo. Then the whole thing with the tank, and where the episode goes from there, it was awesome. We think he walks out because he is the type of person who cannot focus if he isn't the center of attention or if he isn't cracking jokes. But then we soon realize he is still in the tank and the stuff he is seeing are all visions while he is out. We see him take advantage of people like GaTa. He has a vision where he is working in a restaurant, and when he cannot come up with food to cook, GaTa literally lets him cook parts of his body. It shows their relationship to a T. He uses GaTa for support, and GaTa will do anything for his best friend. We see him talk to his girlfriend from season one and fully come out and take responsibility for their breakup. He talks to his mom and lets her know how he is sorry for using her. But near the end, that was when this episode got epic. We see a twin of Dave, but this twin is bald and wearing a diaper. And when I say bald, he doesn't even have eyebrows. But this twin is there to help him realize that he is trying too hard to maintain his online persona. He is trying too hard to be what others want him to be. He is being too tough on himself. He is using his friends but not in a way that is helpful for all of them. This twin starts to play him a beat and a song and you can see the real Dave getting hyped. He keeps asking him to send him the music and the bald twin keeps telling him that he doesn't need to send him anything because he is him. All this stuff is already inside of him. I loved it. I didn't fully understand the anteater, and maybe it was just there for the joke, but even that kept my attention. And when the bald twin goes down and starts to gurgle water, and then real Dave does, then we all know that this is a vision from inside the deprivation tank. When real Dave comes to, he runs to the studio and starts to record the song that he heard while he was tripping. The camera then pans back and we see the back of Rick Rubin just nodding his head.

I absolutely loved the way they showed Dave getting out of his own way and proceeding to record his album with which he has struggled with all season long. I'm pumped to see where they go with the finale tonight. But I think this episode from last week will stay with me for a long, long time. What a triumph.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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