Ty Watches "Loki" Episode One


Last week my wife and I sat down and watched "Loki". I read some headlines that talked about how good the premiere was, that it was one of the better shows on TV, that the actors were all very committed to the material and that it is going to change the way Marvel does TV. I thought Marvel had already done that with "WandaVision", but hey, pretty much everything Marvel does, I like. I am a fan. There are very few Marvel properties that I do not like. I even think the second "Thor" movie gets too much hate. So all these headlines just made me want to watch "Loki" more. I have grown to enjoy his character in every iteration since "Infinity War". He has gotten more fun, he's funnier, he's wittier and Tom Hiddleston has made him a likeable villain.

When we watched the first episode we made sure we had it nice and quiet so we could really focus on what was happening. I really enjoyed how they premiered this show. They did so many things that I like. They gave us flashback scenes. When the episode opened with the scene from "Endgame" where they are trying to return the tesseract, that was rad. I liked seeing all of that go down through Loki's eyes. And he was every bit as mischievous as I hoped. He stole the tesseract, he used it and he traveled in time. From there the show takes quite a turn. Loki gets caught, he cannot use his powers and he is in what looks like a jail. We then meet Owen Wilson's character, who is some kind of time traveling detective. We find him in 16th century France investigating a crime. He then comes back to TVA, the jail-like facility and sits in on Loki's trial. It was pretty wild to see Loki continually trying to use his powers. He couldn't get them to work because this TVA place has stuff to stop people who have powers from using them. He is sentenced to be put to death, but Owen Wilson gets him out of it. They have a chat and this is where we learn what this season of this show is going to be about. Loki is shown images of his crimes. He clearly has some regrets. He is then told that his whole life is planned out for him by the people at TVA. They even show him how his loved ones die, either because of him or outside sources. He gets to a point where he gets away from the people controlling his powers only to see how he died in "Infinity War". At this moment he realizes there is not much he can do to change anything. He has pretty much accepted his fate. Wilson finds him and tells him why he kept him alive, what he needs from him. Spoiler alert, he needs Loki to capture other Loki's. There is what seems like an army of Loki's through time messing things up and trying to become king. It was pretty dope to see that final scene where the TVA police travel to Oklahoma in the 19th century, get caught by this timeline's Loki and to see a Loki in a cape walk away with one of their time traveling devices.

I'm pretty pumped to see where the show goes from here. Marvel has aced the whole TV thing with "WandaVision" and "Falcon and the Winter Soldier", and I am sure they will with "Loki" if the first episode is any indication of how the rest of the season will go. I have high hopes, but I am sure they will surpass them all. "Loki" is great. If you have Disney + I highly recommend checking it out.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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