Kids Need to Go Back to School

If we all just wore one of these, we would not need to have this debate

If we all just wore one of these, we would not need to have this debate

I am going to go a little controversial, at least to some, with my piece today. I have written about the importance of wearing masks, why we should all be quarantining properly, or if you do go out, taking the proper precautions, all that I do when dealing with all things involving the CoronaVirus. One thing I have split on, well I don't know if I've split, I have heard all kinds of thoughts on this topic, the topi c is kids should go back to school in a few weeks.

I want my kids in school, in their classroom, in the fall. Both my son and daughter are set to start school on August 24th, and if I had my way, they would be in their classroom, with new protocols, and getting the proper instruction and socialization that an eight year old and four year old needs and craves. Here in West County in Saint Louis, remote learning was an absolute disaster. There were so many missed meetings, Zoom barely ever worked, my son would be done with his "class work" in under an hour, my daughter, for the most part, couldn't converse or even hear what her preschool teacher was trying to teach the kids. It simply didn't work. I don't fully blame this on the Rockwood School District. No one was prepared for the pandemic. We could have been, but the powers that be decided it was simply just going to go away. Well, it didn't, and my kids have been home since early March. That is two months of school washed away. Their summer, so far, has been quite boring too. My son was so stoked when we decided to let him go to day camp, it is outdoors and masks are required. He has also started baseball practice, with social distancing, and he has been smiling ear to ear since these little things have happened. He gets to hang out with kids his age, see friends, it has been a very pleasant surprise. My daughter hasn't been so lucky. She is only four so she doesn't have a core group of friends yet. She hasn't been back to her dance classes because they don't require masks, and that makes my wife and I uncomfortable. She has had to spend all her time with me pretty much, especially since my son has been going back to camp. And she doesn't come to the store with me, no need to expose her to that, and we have only gone to a few places because it has been so damn hot here in Saint Louis. She has asked me countless times if she can go back to school when the virus is over. I have to tell her that the virus is here to stay, but I always say, hopefully, that yes she can go back to school in the fall. She misses it dearly, as do I, and my son too. He may be happy at camp and baseball, but he even told me that he misses his friends, teachers and classroom.

There were some rumors flying around for a minute that schools out here wouldn't reopen until there is a vaccine. That could be years. I don't want my son to be twelve years old, and have to start the third grade, or my daughter be eight and just starting kindergarten. The fact that we still don't know here what is going to happen is frustrating and it makes me angry. The fact that some teachers have come and said that they are scared, or need more time, I get the scariness, this is a very, very bad virus, but the time, you've had since March to get ready for this upcoming school year. The timing is an excuse I will not accept. I usually side with teachers, but to complain about that, get the hell out of here. I have also seen some complain about having to teach social distancing after months away, get over that too. That is part of your job. You get paid to do that.

Anyway, why I want my kids in school the most is the socialization. My kids are social butterflies. They like to be friends, and talk with any and everyone. My son will talk to the checker at a grocery store. My daughter will yell talk to people in cars when they pass us and say hi while we are walking the dogs. They are starving for the social aspect that school brings. They want it, and quite frankly, need it. I also think there is a way that schools can make this work. First off, teachers need to be properly trained, and that can be done using proper PPE and social distancing. Also, local governments need to stop giving money to what they deem essential businesses, like bars and nightclubs, and send it on over to public schools. The fact that bars are open in Saint Louis, and we still have no clue about school, that baffles and upsets me at the same time. It seems that the government is focusing more on the food industry than education. That's messed up. What makes it even worse, we won't know a thing about school until late in this month. The powers that be are having some big meeting on the 20th, and then they will eventually give us the decision. So, bars and restaurants and gyms can all stay open, but schools have to wait. What a crock.

I was sent a survey, as was my wife and every other parent with a kid in the Rockwood School District, and it was overwhelming how many people are willing to send their kids back to school, including me. They asked if we would send our kids back without a vaccine, and nearly seventy-five percent of parents said yes. The survey then asked how we would feel about a hybrid model, something like three days at school and two at home, and nearly eighty-five percent said yes, they'd do that if necessary. Like I said, it has been overwhelmingly trending towards parents wanting their kids in classrooms in the fall. And I don't think this has to do with laziness, or wanting to get back to "normal". I don't have the proper education to teach. I didn't get my degree in that. And my kids both know that. They have told me how I'm not a good teacher, and they are absolutely right. I'm not equipped to teach them because I am not a teacher, as far as stuff like math and science and history goes. And this whole thing isn't me bashing people that home school, or are planning on doing it now. Not at all. More power to you. It is not for me though. I don't have the patience, I don't have the education and I want my kids to see their friends and be exposed to different lifestyles. That is what I liked most about my time in school was meeting, and befriending so many different people. I sent my kids to public school for that very same reason.

So while I know that we live in a pandemic, that it is not even close to being over, and that some may be scared, I do want my kids back in their school come August. With proper training, and safety protocol, it can be done. I just think, if a bar, Ihop and the gym is open, schools can open, and be much smarter about it. And I know that I am not alone. My fingers are crossed that come August my kids will get to go back to school proper. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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