Wear a Damn Mask


After seeing CoronaVirus numbers soaring, and now the UK banning American travelers for the time being, I just want to clearly, and plainly and loudly say, WEAR A GODDAMN MASK PEOPLE! It's as simple a request as one can make.

Look, we don't know a whole lot about this virus right now. There are so many variables that scientists haven't been able to put their finger on. We don't know if you can get it more than once, we don't know if it is seasonal or just going to ravage us for the rest of 2020, we don't know too much right now. But, we do know that wearing a mask while in public, and practicing social distancing, that is our best chance to not get the virus, or if you have it and don't know, wearing masks makes it far less likely to spread the disease. If we all wore masks in public places, we could get to a point where we have this under some kind of control, or at least have more time to figure more things out.

The fact that there are people here in America making fake exempt cards, or whining and crying about being asked to wear one in stores, or making much to do when a restaurant asks you to wear one, or calling people "sheep" that do wear one just proves how entitled and childish and selfish and stupid some people can be in the US. It is a piece of cloth that can save you and anyone you may come in contact with, and it takes 2 seconds to put it on. It is the simplest thing to do, and the most effective thing right now. I simply do not get these people that are so upset about having to wear one. I don't understand people who think it does nothing. I don't get people that seem to think it makes it harder for them to breath. None of the complaints about masks make a lick of sense to me. It's easy, it's effective, you can make your own, you can buy disposable packs, there are so many options for this one thing that can help us return to some kind of normalcy. If we all wore masks in public, and were socially distancing, we could finally flatten the curve and figure stuff out. But because we have so many spoiled rotten brats, our numbers are skyrocketing. We have so many more cases than any other country. We have dumbass people gathering in bars and restaurants and just simply trying to act like this virus is gone, and that is only making it worse. When we were on lockdown for three months, and the numbers were actually going down, all that hard work was for naught because of selfish people. As soon as things reopened to the public, people rushed out without their masks and gathered in large groups without distancing. Just look at the beaches over Memorial Day weekend. They were stacked with a bunch of idiots who just figured the pandemic was over. And since states have reopened, it has only gotten worse. I see far too many people out at restaurants and clubs. It is upsetting. I have also talked with people since my son started baseball practice again, and have heard things like, "I'm glad this is done because I am not a mask guy", or " that was wild, but now it's all over". Those statements are so wrong on so many levels.

This is not over. We are still at the beginning. Not a mask guy, get the hell out of here. How selfish are you? How much of a dick are you? I love things like movie theaters, sporting events, hanging out with my entire extended family, my kids going to school, running races and playing basketball. Since March, the only thing I have done is run virtual races, and I have started to see my parents again. Both are done with masks, and with a ton of pre visit or pre run protocol. But, if we all wore masks, and stopped crying like children, we may get to a point where some of this stuff can start happening in 2021 or 2022. If we all wore masks, I would have no problem going to a theater. I would enjoy the hell out of a Michigan football game if I knew that masks were required to get into the stadium. I took my kids to a local science museum that recently opened back up and it was great because we all wore masks, and no one griped about it. It was the safest I have felt outside my home since early March. And my 4 year old and 8 year old had no problem wearing a mask. They are children, but they understood and didn't bitch and moan and throw a tantrum like I have seen so many adults do since it became the rule in public.

It's such a simple thing to do. If we all wore masks, if we all practiced social distancing, we could, possibly, get to some kind of a new normal. So, I say at the end like I did at the beginning, loudly I might add, WEAR A MASK, IT CAN SAVE LIVES. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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