We All Have Something to Do Tomorrow


Tomorrow is a very, very important day. Tomorrow will tell me, and a bunch of others I'm sure, where we stand as a country. Are some people really this racist? Are some people too far gone? Do we not have morals or ethics? Do people actually care? Do people want change? Will we ever see a way out of this pandemic? There are these questions, and about a billion more that we should get some answers to. But the way to get the answers some want, that I want, is to vote.

Voting is the best way to fight the system. I know a lot of people will read this and tell me, you're a dyed in the wool Democrat, how are you fighting? I'm fighting because we are so far gone from the country we were four years ago. I look at life now and compare it to 2016, and man it is bleak. It's not so bleak for me personally, but as a country, we are in a bad, bad place. We are in the midst of a pandemic with no end in sight. We are more than broke. We are divided. We pass judgements based on people's political beliefs without even knowing them. This is all due to the current "government" we have in the White House.

The current regime does not care about anyone but themselves and their wallets. They want division. They want to stay rich, break the law and tear away so many things that made us better from 2000 to 2016. In those 16 years we made advancements. Gay marriage became legal. Healthcare became affordable. Trans people had rights. Wars weren't as prevalent. Both parties worked together. Things were, on the surface, fine. I have my problems with George W Bush, and I know people have their issues with Barack Obama, who I absolutely adore, but all in all, things weren't this bad. Since 2016 things have gotten markedly worse. Things have essentially crumbled. Businesses are filing for bankruptcy daily. Poor people are only getting poorer. Families are being torn apart because of a stupid border issue. The people in power want to rip away affordable healthcare. We are in a horrific pandemic. My kids just went back to in person learning a few weeks ago, but they have to learn a whole new set of rules. I know other places aren't allowing kids back until the new year. Sports have no fans, and some have been outright canceled for the year. I don't feel safe going to restaurants, movie theaters or playgrounds. To see friends and family, on the very rare occasion that I do, I wear a mask.

This is a nightmare. We are living in the darkest timeline. And for those who think it can't get worse, it can get much, much worse. The best way to combat that, in my opinion, is to vote. There has been an enormous amount of early voters, which is great. Personally, I'm going to my polling place when it opens tomorrow at 6am. I prefer to vote in person. But now is the time. If you have a mail in ballot, and you haven't mailed it, go drop it off in person at your polling place. If you go to vote in person, and there is a line, wait. They cannot kick you out of line, even if it gets past closing time. If you are there before, you get to vote. It is your duty, and the law. Don't let people bully or harass you in the lines. Some may want to try intimidation, ignore them. They are not the law, and they cannot stop you from voting. There will be obstacles, and it may get frustrating, especially if you have to wait, but just think how good it will feel when you cast your ballot. Go out tomorrow and exercise your right to vote. Don't sit this election out. Make sure your voice is heard. Also, look into the local people and amendments in your town. Those issues are just as important to vote for.

I will not be writing tomorrow because I want everyone to go out and vote. I don't want someone to read a sports story of mine tomorrow and forget to vote. This is too important a moment to not speak your mind and vote. Go vote. Ignore any and all of the early polls and numbers. We were all duped in 2016, so make sure you vote no matter what you read or hear. This is it. This is the time. Please vote. Please.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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