The Advent Calendar of Good, and Bad, Holiday Eats: Day 3 - Mulled Apple Cider

The pre-Christmas Day season of Advent is upon us. Here at SeedSing we love the chocolaty goodness of getting a piece of candy once a day until we get to open our presents. As our gift to you we will present a treat associated with the holiday season. Many will be awesome, some will be terrible. Enjoy.

Opened doors: One, Two

Day 3: Mulled Apple Cider

December tends to be pretty cold for most of the world that likes to celebrate the Advent season. The southern parts of the US and Europe may get a balmy holiday season, but the large majority of Christmastime revelers live in a climate that moves the temperature needle below 50 Fahrenheit.  The cold temperatures des not stop the festive among us to spend a crazy amount of time outside looking at light displays, singing carols, or letting our live nativity curiosity take over. The best way to combat the cold outside air is to drink down a nice hot holiday drink.

Mulled apple cider can usually be found at any of the stock outdoor Christmas events. Take a bunch of spices (cloves, allspice, nutmeg) add some orange slices, pour in the apple cider, then let it sit over heat. In just a few short moments, your house will smell of the holidays, and you will have one of the most iconic drinks for a cold winter night. With the power of mulled apple cider, any mere mortal can take on the cold night and enjoy their chosen holiday extravaganza.

Is mulled apple cider a worthy holiday treat? The way the connection smells while cooking is definitely worth it. If you hate apple cider, make mulled cider for the aroma. Cold mulled cider is not worthy of one's worst enemies. But, on a cold night of looking at lights, a nice hot cup of spiced juice from an apple, you could do a lot worse. You could be drinking packaged cocoa made in a cup of microwaved water. 


RD is the Head Editor for SeedSing. On those cold nights, out among family and friends, you could warm up by thinking about Last Christmas.

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