Semi - Instant 2016 Presidential Debate Reaction

Let the debates begin

One debate down, I do not want to even count how many more times we have to do this.

The very first debate between Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, and Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton, is mercifully over. NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt attempted to ask questions and keep control of the event. He failed terribly.  The newsman began the night be reminding the audience not to be emotional humans, Holt then reminded the candidates that there were many questions to get through. Why do we need so many questions to be unanswered? Then we were underway.

Secretary Hillary Clinton and multiple bankruptcy declaring businessman Donald Trump proceeded to trade jabs, oldies from Trump and a few new focus tested ones from Clinton, and not answer any of Holt's questions. Clinton attacked, Trump defended and babbled, and Holt begged to move on. For ninety plus minutes the nation got to witness the exact same two candidates that were packaged and sold to us earlier in the year. Nothing new happened.

Hillary Clinton looked way more polished and in control during the debate. Everything she said seemed rehersed and extremely prepared. During certain moments of the debate I could tell her team were trying to come up with phrases that could be easily hash tagged. Anyone looking for some warmth and humanity in the former Secretary of State were not going to be in luck. Clinton was well aware that Trump was going to be combative and unpredictable. Here biggest victory was to be dismissive of the Republican nominee, and to land crushing blows to his record and ego. While she may have come off as cold, Hillary Clinton definitely looked more Presidential than her opponent during the debate.

Donald Trump was the same disaster of a candidate we have witnessed for a year now. The only difference is that the stage is not filled with a cast of thousands of other Republican clowns. Now Trump has to face off against an extremely well prepared, and extremely experienced, politician in Hillary Clinton. He did not do well. Trump was unprofessional in constantly interrupting Clinton and Holt. Trump would not give up on all of his lies and divisive tactics. Trump was flustered and incoherent whenever Clinton challenged his wealth or business failures. Trump was loudly breathing into the microphone. Donald Trump as bad as he has always been, and on the Presidential debate stage next to Hillary Clinton, he looked so much worse. The Trump campaign has been one of doom and hate, and Donald Trump embraced those ideals once again on the debate stage. He was played by Clinton, and his lack of ideas was clear to the audience who tuned in.

There we have it. One cold and calculating politician who spouts off hashtag campaigns, and one rambling lunatic who is clearly a danger to the country. Both candidates have to make some improvement before the next debate to convince the majority of voters. Hillary Clinton needs to be a bit warmer and present a positive agenda for America's future. Donald Trump needs to attend anger management classes and maybe sit down with the best psychaitrist the world has ever known. The candidates have a few weeks to get it together. Can not wait to see what happens.


RD Kulik is the Head Editor at SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.