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Ty Watches "BS High"

I watched the documentary "BS High" last week and I have some things to say.

The documentary focuses on a "school" and its coaches. Now, the school is not really a school. Bishop Sycamore High may have a website and an online presence somewhat, but it is not a real school. This documentary takes us through its beginning to where it stands today. What they focus most on is Roy Johnson, the founder and coach of the football team, and their appearance on ESPN facing IMG Academy in 2022.

This is a football movie, but it is also a character study of a con man. Roy Johnson is a smart man who knows how to take advantage of people. He is evil. He has a scary smile that is permanently on his face. He has no remorse. He only cares about himself. He thinks others are out to get him. And he knows how to game the system. Johnson had tried to start a school a few years back that gained a little traction. They had a football team, but no one ever really went to class or learned anything. When that fell apart that did not stop him. He decided to double down and go even further with his new school, Bishop Sycamore. He hatched his chickens too soon. He went ahead with this "school" with no funding or space for an actual building. He had mockups made, but nothing came of those. He hired a coaching staff and audio visual people. He reached out to athletes who may be on their last chance and gave them a shot. He wined everyone he met, but he never really dined them. This movie does not have the allure of a show like "Last Chance U". That show has real people in a real school and they do get one last shot. Bishop Sycamore was a total scam. These kids signed away their lives while Roy Johnson took advantage of their info. He would rent out hotels in their names and never pay. He would get apartments for three months in their names and wait until they were evicted, thus ruining that kids credit. He would hire players' parents to be the "hospital staff" for games when kids would get hurt. He would make them play multiple games within the span of a few days.

That was where this all really came to a head with Johnson and Bishop Sycamore. Somehow, some way, Bishop Sycamore was able to schedule a game against IMG, the most powerful high school football program in the country. This game was aired on ESPN. IMG easily disposed of Bishop Sycamore. I believe they won 59-0. But what was more glaring was the lack of competition. Bishop Sycamore had no right to be on the same field with IMG. These were boys playing men. But the biggest problem, Bishop Sycamore had kids on their team that were in their 20's. Some of their starters had already graduated high school. Yet they were somehow deemed eligible and still not good enough to compete with the teenagers on IMG. The Bishop Sycamore kids also got hurt, and hurt bad. That could be due to IMG, but they also played a game two days before the IMG game and were hurt during that game as well. You should never play two high level football games in three days. That is abhorrent.

When this was all done, and Bishop Sycamore was found to be a fraud and the rest of their scheduled teams pulled them off their schedules and when these kids were left out in the cold, did Roy Johnson learn anything? Nope. He was still smiling. He was still blaming the former players. He was still going off on the parents. He was still cackling and saying that Bishop Sycamore was going nowhere, and he was right. That is the scariest thing of this whole movie. Johnson has gamed the system and the state of Ohio has yet to put rules in place stopping this from going on. Of course ESPN and the powers that be in Ohio declined to be interviewed for this movie. But Johnson didn't. He put his story out there and he is an awful, awful man. He has to be reprimanded for his atrocious actions, but he is still coaching high school football. And that should terrify everyone.

I highly recommend this movie. It is endlessly watchable and very eye opening. It is a solid watch. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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