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An Ode to Trail Running

After my son's orthodontist appointment this morning I took him to school and went to a trailhead to do my longish run of the week. I go every Wednesday to a trail and run anywhere from 5-8 miles. It is my time to get away for the week and just relax. I'm usually gone for an hour or two and it is one of the best things about my week.

I do all kinds of running. My two main interests, as with most people, are trails and road running. I like road running because I am faster on the road. I get better times. I usually do better on races that are on the road. I recently just ran my fastest half marathon at a road race. Road running is good for timing.

My true love in the running world is trail running. I go back to when I did my first half with my buddy Kirk. We both had very different responses. He loved it, and pretty much loved any kind of running. I was miserable and told him, during the race, that I was going to focus on trail running. Now, to give Kirk some credit, he has fully embraced trail running and he is very good at it. I love it for a myriad of reasons though, and a lot of those came to mind this morning.

Trail running is better because it is technical. You have roots and rocks on good portions, depending on which trail you pick. You have to really pay attention. I took my eyes off the trail for a few minutes today and almost busted my ass. I have busted it many times before, but it has never been a deterrent.

I also love the quietness and solitude. I always wear headphones when I run on the road. I hardly ever wear them when I trail run. I like to listen to nature. There are animal sounds at every turn. I like to hear my shoes press on the rocks and the paths created. I like to know where I'm going. I want to be cognizant of every little detail. It is relaxing. That is another thing, trail running is very relaxing for me. I can go out there and just get lost and not have a care in the world. I kind of just let the trail guide me. I go where feels best at that moment and that is cathartic for me. I can go out to a trail for hours and have the time of my life. It is one of the best things for me. It is also excellent therapy. I can go and cram out any anxiety or anger. I can go out and have a nice talk with myself, or if Kirk is joining me, we can have a good chat together where we sometimes just vent to one another about whatever we feel needs to be vented about. It is very good for my talk therapy.

Above all though, trail running makes me really feel like I have accomplished something for the day. I can run anywhere from four miles to a full marathon, which the only one I've done was on a trail, and be very tired. Today I did six miles, but climbed a big hill and my thighs and calves are currently feeling it. In opposition, I ran five and a half miles yesterday on the road, and while I was tired, I was still able to do all the normal things I would do any other day. But today, the idea of relaxing on the couch until it is time to get my kids sounds like the best thing I could do because of the excellent workout I got on the trails.

Trail running is the best and I am going to do it until I cannot walk anymore. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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