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Snow Ice Cream Does Not Suck

In Saint Louis we have gotten a good amount of snow the past two days. It was supposed to hit on Wednesday, but we seem to have gotten the brunt of it today. If I had to guess I'd say we are between six and eight inches, which is a good amount in the county. Hell, people went out on Tuesday and bought up the bread, milk and eggs. I have never understood that phenomenon here, but that is what people in Saint Louis have done with the mere threat of snow all 39 of my years living here. And I have mentioned before on this site that my love of snow stopped when my son started school. Snow is a nuisance, it makes travel tough, they cancel school with just the threat of snow and it makes for a horrible mess about two days after it falls. In no time it will be in the mid 40's here and there will be discolored snow mounds and slush everywhere. It will be gross.

There is one thing I forgot about, until this afternoon. We got a good amount of snow, like I mentioned, and there were fresh powdery mounds on our table out back. It looked pristine. It was white and fluffy and looked like snow off of a postcard from the mountains. After taking my kids sledding, both of them noticed the snow and asked if we could make ice cream. I have not eaten or made snow ice cream in years. I have a very vague recollection that my wife and kids did it last year, but who knows anymore. So when they mentioned it today I figured, why not. Let's do it. We are truly running out of things to do since my son hurt his wrist sledding and playing snow football with me and a buddy yesterday. My daughter is also very small, so she doesn't like to be out too long. So, as I said, I am truly looking for any little thing to do to pass the time until they open schools back up. That activity was making snow ice cream.

The task is simple enough too, as I am sure most of you know. I asked them what kind they wanted to make and they both said, "just do whatever is easiest". I adore my kids. So we got a bowl and filled it with snow, added some milk, sugar and vanilla extract and I let them stir until everything was combined. I took a taste and it immediately took me back to childhood. It was like eating the past. It was good, but so, so, so sugary. I spooned it out for my kids and they were in heaven. They kept saying how tasty it was. They mentioned that they disagreed with my salt take. They were eating it up. At one point my son told me he loved it and said, "I forgot how good plain vanilla ice cream tastes". My daughter was quiet and simply eating. That is a telltale sign that she is truly enjoying what she is tasting at the moment. She actually just finished her small bowl a minute ago, walked up to me and said, "THAT WAS SOOOOOO GOOD!". I love when she does that. But I had forgotten how something so simple and easy can be so good for my kids. I also really enjoyed that it was an activity they brought up that we could all do together. Even my wife ducked out of a meeting to ask the kids if they liked it, and to take a small taste herself.

So there are some good things about the snow I guess. It can look pretty at times. And I do prefer colder weather. But snow ice cream may be the best thing that comes from all of this. I am sure we will make some more, as it is supposed to snow for a few more hours before tapering off. And I cannot wait to try it with chocolate sauce or honey or some other wild concoction we all come up with. Snow ice cream is the goods.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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