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Ty Watches the "Eric Andre Show" Season 4 Episode 6

This past Friday's "Eric Andre Show" was one of the weirder ones I have ever seen, and that is saying something, because his show is weird and wonderful. He did his thing during introduction, but as he went to tackle his drummer, he stopped short, and then proceeded to shake all the band members hands and give them praise. He then proceeded to destroy shelves on an aluminum built rack. He actually ran through the middle of two of them. While destroying the stage, pro skater Tony Hawk showed up and did some tricks, and also helped Andre wreck the stage. The two of them were doing damage. A guy dressed like a mummy came on the stage and went on to choke Andre with some of his wrapping. After that, Tony Hawk started to beat up Andre. Andre exclaimed, "why are you doing this? I thought we were friends", but Hawk just kept pummeling him. After all this, Andre threw a vase, and the destruction was over. Then, Hannibal Buress shot out from the top of the ceiling right into his chair. After all that, Andre got on stage and did his monologue. It was all nonsense and bizarre and funny. It even included a "Looper" reference, that was hilarious. I have really enjoyed the addition of the monologues this season.

After the monologue, the first guest, Warren G, came on stage. Warren G looked confused from the start. First off, Andre proclaimed that he was a rapper, and started to freestyle. It was terrible, on purpose, and Warren G was not impressed. Andre made Buress freestyle, and his rapping was worse than Andre's, and louder. Warren G was dumbfounded. Then, my new favorite character, Kraft Punk showed up. He came out on fire, throwing cheese slices at Andre and Buress. We then cut to his new pre taped segment, "The Kraftolor". It was like "The Bachelor", but Kraft Punk would show up in a random café, tell people that he could not die, then ask ladies if they would be his "cheese wife". I LOVED this. It was hilarious. Kraft Punk was ushered off stage, as usual, and then Andre asked Warren G if he would do adult stuff with Martha Stewart. Warren G paused, and then said yeah, with a huge smile on his face. The show then cut to a picture of Martha Stewart.

We then got another pre taped segment, where it starts out like an "And 1" mixtape video, but then it turns out that Andre is playing a dad whose son is flying away on a balloon. The guys playing basketball did not care for all this nonsense. They wanted him off the court, and they kept asking how little his baby was, if 4 helium balloons could carry it away. During this segment, the camera kept cutting back to Andre, and he was asking ridiculously ludicrous questions to himself, but the show made it seem deep. It was weird and funny. There was also an early pre taped segment, that took place in a café of some sort, and some wacky hijinks went on. It was bizarre, but in a good way.

After Warren G leaves the set, the next guest that comes on is Kelly Osbourne. She is immediately turned off by everything that Andre is doing. He asked ridiculous questions, he has a PA fly into his desk, thus crushing it, he speaks in an English accent, but he just says lines from the movie "Austin Powers" and he tells her that he heard that her dad was famous for eating animal feces. She is so angry at him, and at one point she says a very bad thing, and Andre runs with it. He puts up pictures with her face and the quote, and Kelly Osbourne is made very upset by all this. I thought it was hilarious. I won't type the quote, but go look it up online, or watch the episode, it makes her look really bad.

The show cuts to another pre taped segment, where Andre bursts out of a dryer at a laundry mat, covered in goo, and keeps asking people what year is it. The patrons are not amused. I was cracking up. He keeps pushing and pushing until one guy physically pushes him out of the laundry mat. The segment then turns into a "TV" show that Andre is making called "Alien Dad". He goes back into the laundry mat to tell people he just wants to find his kid, but they are not buying it. Once again, he gets shoved out a second time.

After all this, instead of having a musical guest on, they have comedian Jim Norton come on to do some jokes. But, the rub with this bit, Norton is hooked to an electrical shock machine, and any loud noise causes him to get shocked. He is doing fine at first, but then Andre sends out some angry, barking German Shepard's, and a lot of other noise causing things. Norton looks like he is in a world of pain by the end of the bit.

This was one of the more unusual episodes, as I said at the top, but I still was laughing throughout. Warren G is one of the first people that I haven't seen walk off during the first interview also. He was a good sport. There are only a few episodes left in this season, but I will be here to review the rest for you when they are on. Come back next week for the next one.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. Ty needs new shows to watch, give us some suggestions. Follow Ty on twitter @tykulik.