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Ty Watches the Eric Andre Show: Season Four Premier

I do watch other TV shows besides "Bar Rescue", and one of those shows is the "Eric Andre Show". The fourth season premiered this past Friday, and it was glorious, hilarious, weird, bizarre and everything I was hoping it would and could be. This show has always been weird, but I'm a big Eric Andre fan, so I expect as much. I got really into this show about a year ago, and I watched the first three seasons in a week. Each episode is only 11 minutes long, so it was easy. I also love the fact that Hannibal Burress is his co host, and he is the perfect foil for Eric Andre.

The fourth season premiere started a little different from most seasons. Each episode starts out with Andre destroying the set, sometimes beating the band members up along the way. This season started with Andre sitting in his chair, looking exhausted. Then, when the music started, he was flung around the studio, attached to wires, and proceeded to destroy the set that way. He was an unwilling participant in this destruction. I know that it was fake, but it was still funny. After they replaced all the things he broke, Burress appeared and did his usual deadpan stuff. Then, a newish wrinkle in the show, Andre did a monologue. But, this time around, he acted as if it wasn't his choice. It seemed that Adult Swim was forcing him to do it. He even got shocked by a shocker at one moment, then they cut away to happy pictures of Andre. I loved all the jokes that made it seem like Andre did not want to do this.

After the insanity of the intro, the show cut away with their usual still frame and the words " we will be right back...". After the little break, Andre introduced his first guest, the rapper T.I. The interview immediately went off the rails, as it is supposed to. Andre asked uncomfortable questions that T.I. did not want to answer. Then, Burress tried some rapping that was purposefully terrible. Then, Kraft Punk showed up, that is a Daft Punk impersonation, except the helmet is made of Kraft mac and cheese. Eric Andre and Burress berated Kraft Punk right in front of T.I., forcing him off the stage. Then, a guy dressed like a zombie appeared from the ground, and T.I. kicked him in the face.

Once this insanity was complete, they cut away to one of the many side segments they do during the show. The segments on this episode ranged from, Andre appearing to be very hurt, riding on roller blades, asking people if they knew where the Sprite headquarters were so he could become the pitchman. Andre also rode a bike through a glass window, pretending to be a Chinese food bike delivery man. One of the other segments was Andre and a friend dressed as a horse for a segment called "Horsin Around", where they interview people on the street as a horse, but the interview quickly turned to a fight after Andre accused the back half of the horse of trying to put a finger in his butt. All the segments were very weird and very funny.

Once T.I. had enough and left, it happens with all the guests, they had "Dance Moms" host, Abby Lee Miller. She is a monster, and when Andre asked her about being abusive, she quickly changed the subject, but they wouldn't stop there. They pushed her, and then the interview, once again, went off the rails. A drone flew in hot dogs for Andre to eat. Burress left the stage, destroying a shelf along the way. They ignored Miller, much to my delight. She eventually asked if she could leave.

To end the show, they had the band American Authors on. They played their hit song, "Best Day of My Life", but Andre made them perform it as a human centipede. It was weird and disgusting and just what I expect from "The Eric Andre Show".

I'm so pumped for this show being back on air. I will update each episode on Monday, so come back next week for the next update.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He used to destroy his laptop after every blog post, then he learned that laptops did not grow on trees. Follow Ty on twitter @tykulik.