Episode CCCLXXXVI: Best, and Worst, Discontinued Fast Food Items

It's time to grab the kids, head to Wendy's, and eat...pasta? How about we go to Taco Bell and get a ...burger? What about heading to Sonic to grab a refreshing slush flavored like a ... pickle? What the hell is going on around here?

Join Ty and RD as they discuss the best, weirdest, and absolute worst fast food items that were discontinued and lost to time.

Download the podcast for free.

X Millennial Man Remastered - Episode XXXII: Fast Food and Snacks that Challenge the Gods

Somehow we forgot about fried chicken poutine

Somehow we forgot about fried chicken poutine

ed note: This podcast was originally posted on February 27th, 2016. It has been remastered for your listening pleasure. Enjoy.

Taco Bell and McDonalds seem to always release some new and exciting food item on the wanting public. Is today's Quesalupa a modern cautionary tale like yesterday's Arch Deluxe? Ty and RD dive into their taste archives and remember the great, and not so great, fast food and snack items from their younger years. Do you remember keeping the hot side hot and cold side cool? Are you thirsty for some refreshing Ecto-cooler? Join us and learn of the times our food makers flew way to close to the sun.

Episode XXXII: Fast Food and Snacks that Challenge the Gods

Taco Bell and McDonalds seem to always release some new and exciting food item on the wanting public. Is today's Quesalupa a modern cautionary tale like yesterday's Arch Deluxe? Ty and RD dive into their taste archives and remember the great, and not so great, fast food and snack items from their younger years. Do you remember keeping the hot side hot and cold side cool? Are you thirsty for some refreshing Ecto-cooler? Join us and learn of the times our food makers flew way to close to the sun.