Episode CCCLXXXIX: An Oral History of Apple - Part 1


Apple is one of the most influential companies of the X Millennial man's life. Watches, tablets, phones, and even computers from Apple have been a part of our lives.

Join Ty and RD as they go through the early days of Apple and discuss what made the company so important, and what bad habits have been there since the beginning.

Download the episode for free.

Episode CCCLXIII: The Worst Tech Gadgets of Our Lives

For the iPhone to walk the Newton had to crawl, badly. Microsoft has only seen big success when it learns to stop replicating it's failures. Nintendo innovates, fails, and then innovates into more success. These are the stories of the greatest product failures from our greatest tech companies.

Join Ty and RD as the reminisce about the great failed gadgets they bought and lived through to tell the tale.

Download the episode for free.

Episode XLIX: A Very Modern History of How We Listen to Our Music

Vinyl is not dead, but what about the cassette tape and 8-track? Did MP3 kill the CD? Join the X Millennial Man as they look back at how the way we listen to music has changed over the last 40 years. What was the greatest walkman? Does anyone still have the iconic iPod? Is all music destined to be only available online. Come on in for a listen.

Episode XXXIX: Today's Security and Tomorrow's Pop Culture

What is the fight between Apple and the FBI really about. Thankfully we have Kirk here to explain the details of the case and talk about what encryption means to our security. Once we feel secure, Ty and Kirk talk about what the pop culture of the future will look like. Will video games replace movies? Is VHS the next media hipsters will be insufferable about? If Willie Nelson is timeless, why is he not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Come in for a listen and get all your questions answered.

Episode XVIII: Your favorite things are no good and you should feel bad about liking them

There are pieces of pop culture that everyone seems to love. Everyone except the X Millennial. Like the Beach Boys, not us. How about Glee or American Horror Story? Hate to tell you that you like bad entertainment. Apple and Spielberg can do no wrong? Your faith in them are wrong. Come listen to Ty and RD be grouchy about the things we all love.

Episode V: Jazz Interlude in the Style of the Internet

Ty, Tina, and RD sit down and riff about the internet. With recent news surrounding the problems of Reddit, Gawker, and Ashley Madison, the internet is getting ready to change. What will be the use, and innovation of the internet in the future? How can people without connections and influence change the world with the use of only their voices and the internet? When will Google send back the first terminator?

Ed note: The host (me) says that Minority Report came out in 2013. We are not podcasting from the future (yet). The film came out in 2002, 13 years ago.