Episode CCCLXV: How the Last Writers Strike Changed Pop Culture

The 2023 writers strike is over, and how it changed our television and movies is still unknown. What we do know is how the last writers strike changed our pop culture for the better, or the worse.

Join Ty and RD as they look at the movies and television shows that were forever altered by the 2007-2008 WGA strike. We will talk about robot testicles.

Download the episode for free.

Episode CCXCIX: The Best Made Up Television Shows

"Bitch Hunter", "Man vs Car", "Itchy and Scratchy", these are our favorite television shows that are actually not real. What other great shows are not real that we would love to watch?

Join the X Millennial Man as they discuss the best fake tv shows in their history.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CXCIX: The 12 Days of Holiday Entertainment


On the first day of the holiday season, our true love gave to us...

Join Ty and RD as they sing, actually talk, about the holiday songs, movies, and television they use to get into the spirit of the season.

Download the show for free.

X Millennial Man Remastered: Episode LXIII - Television Weddings to Have and to Hold

Revisit the X Millennial Man talking about the most memorable television weddings of their lifetime's. This podcast originally aired on October 1st, 2016

The X Millennial Man wants to walk down the aisle and remember the television weddings of our lives. Selma being a hopeless romantic, Liz Lemon and Leslie Knope finding true soulmates, and a political coup have all been part of the great nuptials on our television. Download for free and join us for a walk down the wedding aisle of memories.

Episode LXXI: The Most Awesome Holiday Television Programs

The X Millennial Man is ready for some yuletide cheer. The best way to get in the spirit of the season is to spend time with our favorite television shows. The Simpsons, Lost, and even Saved By the Bell have had some epic adventures in late December. The holidays also saw a Star Wars story so bad that Jar Jar will  not acknowledge it. Download for free and hear about the greatest, most awesome, holiday television programming ever.

Episode LXIII: Television Weddings to Have and to Hold

How many seasons will their love last?

How many seasons will their love last?

The X Millennial Man wants to walk down the aisle and remember the television weddings of our lives. Selma being a hopeless romantic, Liz Lemon and Leslie Knope finding true soulmates, and a political coup have all been part of the great nuptials on our television. Download for free and join us for a walk down the wedding aisle of memories.

Episode XXVII: The Greatest Television Ever - NBC Comedy

The X Millennial Man grew up and matured with the comedy of NBC Thursday night. Nearly 35 years of great, and downright terrible, shows enhanced our pop culture. From Conrad Bain to Alec Baldwin, NBC has made comedy legends out of some interesting people. Come join us to discuss the rise and fall of NBC comedy.