Pumpkin Spice Latte in August. No Thanks

Fist shaking

I’m going to go old man today and gripe about something that I saw while driving around this past Tuesday.

I was out with my daughter, heading to the playground, and we drove by a Starbucks. Now, Starbucks is fine when it is the only option. On a road trip is when Starbucks really steps up. But, if I have a chance, I go to a local shop or even a Tim Horton’s, which has some of the best coffee anywhere anytime. I’m also a big fan, as you all know, of Kaldi’s Coffee. But, I do have the occasional Starbucks. Yes, I’m one of those people who thinks their coffee tastes burnt. They clearly over roast their beans. But, it works in a pinch.

Anyway, what drove me to anger Tuesday was, when we drove by, I saw a sign that read, “it’s pumpkin spice season!”.

I was confounded.

First off, I’m a guy who enjoys my coffee sweet. But, pumpkin spice is way, way too sweet. I love pumpkin pie, and the pumpkin spice latte makes the pie taste savory. It’s too much. Also, this is a bone of contention in my home because my wife loves them. We debate about pumpkin spice lattes around this time of year every year.

What really threw me was the timing. We are not even close to fall, which is when all things pumpkin usually show up. The date when I saw the sign was August 28th. My son has only been in school for 2 weeks. It was still 100 degrees outside here in Saint Louis. It is still summer time. The weather, and the calendar still say it’s summer. Hell, it has “cooled” off a bit today, but it’s still in the low 80’s outside. How does any of this say fall to the marketing geniuses at Starbucks? Also, releasing the pumpkin spice in August is insane. They should wait, at the very earliest, for the end of September. I have not seen anyone put up fall or Halloween decor yet in my neighborhood, and I live in a spot where people love to dress up there front yards for whatever holiday it is. So I’m baffled that Starbucks felt now was the right time to put out this latte.

I’m sure it sold a ton, it’s a limited item, but come on. This was, and is becoming, a clear cash grab. People see “get your #PSL”, or, “it may not feel like fall yet, but a PSL will put you in the fall mood”, and they lose their god damn minds. They have to get one. It’s a little odd. I just don’t like it. We are in a rush now to push seasons so coffee shops can sell limited bull shit.

I’m not a fan.

I will not be buying any pumpkin spice lattes and I’m a little appalled at the release date of the first ones. Wait awhile Starbucks, you will still get people to buy them in waves if you wait until it actually is fall. It just made me real mad and I have a platform to say why. Take this as you will. Yes, I’m grumpy, but you have to admit, August is way too early to start selling pumpkin flavored coffee.

It’s absurd.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He is going to lose his mind on September 4th when he sees the massive Christmas display in Macy's. Who doesn't think of the North Pole when it is 100 degrees outside?

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

A Non-Coffee Drinker Finds Joy in Cold Brew Coffee

I was never a coffee drinker. As I kid, I didn't like the smell of it, so I never asked my dad to try it. My mom didn't drink it either, and since she was the at home parent, it wasn't ever really an option. As I got older, high school age, I had friends who drank coffee regularly. But, I still wasn't interested. I was also the one kid who didn't drink alcohol, and I still don't, in my whole school, so the fact that I didn't drink coffee was not surprising to anyone. Even when I left college and started working in the real world, coffee was never an option. I still didn't like the smell, and the few sips I had were far too strong. That was my own doing, being that I tried my father's coffee, and he used to drink it black. I still stayed away even after my son was born. But, the tiredness was starting to take over, this was in the first year of his life, so I wasn't an at home dad yet, and I needed something. I tried Diet Coke for awhile, but that used to upset my stomach in the morning, and no one should ever be drinking soda at 7am. I tried tea for awhile, but it was either much too hot, or again, too strong for me, even if I added sweetener. What is a tired man to do?

My wife finally convinced me, around 6 years ago, to give coffee another shot. I moaned and groaned that it would be too strong and mess up my stomach. She then introduced me to the concept of cream and fake sweetener being added to coffee. At first, it was just a little cream and Splenda because I didn't want too much coffee. But, the more I drank it, this sweetened version of it, the more I started to like it. I do have to say to all the coffee purists and snobs out there, I sweeten the shit out of my coffee, so please don't come at me and tell me I am not a real coffee drinker. I don't drink it for the taste, I drink it for the caffeine and the fact that I can add stuff to make it palatable for me is just an added bonus. So, after getting the right amount of cream and Splenda in my coffee, I became, in my mind, an adult that enjoys a coffee every morning. I now drink it everyday with breakfast, and sometimes, I may even have a cup in the afternoon. I enjoy going to local coffee shops to try out what they have. I go to Starbucks occasionally, but lately I have been more of a Kaldi's man. Coffee shops are neat little places, and even the major chain places, like Starbucks and Kaldi's, have their own kind of charm.

Recently though I have found my new coffee obsession. It has been brutally hot in Saint Louis ever since schools let out here, in late May, so a hot cup of coffee in the morning, while I still have one almost every morning, isn't as appealing as it should be. But, again, thanks to my wife, I have started to drink iced coffee, and my new favorite thing, cold brew coffee.

It is amazing.

The fact that the coffee can still be doctored up with cream and fake sugar, and be "refreshing" is so awesome. I had an iced coffee from Starbucks this morning because I didn't have time to make one before taking my son to camp. And it was great. It paired very nicely with the sous vide eggs I got. My wife and I now love to buy Stok brank cold brew coffee from the grocery store. It comes in a jug, akin to milk, and we put some in our Yeti cups, add cream, fake sugar and ice, and it is wonderful. We usually have that in the afternoon on the weekends too, when our kids are taking a nap and having "quiet time". I like the local shops version of iced coffee too. Every local shop has their own brand of beans they use, and I like them all.

This whole cold brew thing is simply amazing to me. I don't know exactly how it works, but the fact that they brew it, make it cold, then add ice and you can do whatever you want from there, is remarkable. I'm a big time fan of buying the Target brand, Up and Up, bottles of cold brew that they sell in their stores. The cinnamon flavor is great. But, when it comes to cold brew coffee, it gets no better, for me, than what Kaldi's is doing. I don't know what they do, or how they brew it, but their cold brew is out of this world. I treat myself to this once a week, usually on the weekends so my wife can have one as well, and it is so good. The coffee at Kaldi's is already much better than any other chain I've been to, but that added flavor of some kind of berry, I can't quite put my finger on it, makes their cold brew stand out. I don't even have to add too much cream or Splenda to it because it is so good on its own. The berry gives it a natural sweetness, and it tastes so god damn good. Kaldi's cold brew is something I will drink year round if they sell it year round.

I know that I am a novice when it comes to coffee. I know that what I drink isn't "real" coffee. I know that purists are probably super angry with me right now. But, I do know that Kaldi's cold brew coffee is a joy and I cannot wait to have another one in a few days. I like coffee, I love cold brew coffee.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He is starting to catch up on food trends from the last decade. He is all in on food trucks, with a look at bone broth and raw water coming up next.

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Now We Have to Write About the Damn Unicorn Frappucino

Here is a pic of Ty's special coffee. It has cream and sugar in it.

I guess this week is going to be my old man grumpy week. Earlier I complained about music festivals. Yesterday I was shocked at how poorly all of the Celtics, except for Isaish Thomas, have been playing so far in the playoffs. I did write about my love for TV so far this year, but that is the only sign of happiness I have shown all week. I'm going to end the week much like it started, by complaining.

I am shocked and grossed out by this new drink at Starbucks, "The Unicorn Frappucino". I have no problem with frappucino's, or anything else at Starbucks for that matter. I love Starbucks and unicorns. Starbucks is second only to Tim Horton's, as far as my favorite coffee spot. I think unicorns are cool as hell too. I love the idea of a horse with a single horn that grants wishes, or whatever unicorns may do. More power to this majestic animal. But, what Starbucks has done is absolutely unnecessary.

This drink looks like an abomination. It looks like every kind of sugary candy, i.e., Skittles, Starburst, so on and so forth, that I gave up three years ago. It is hyper color for god's sake. It looks so sweet, I feel like it would immediately give me diabetes after one sip. All the things that go into this drink just do not make sense, especially on a Starbucks menu. When they introduce new or seasonal items, it has a theme that goes along with Starbucks. Pumpkin spice is big in the fall. They always have some kind of holiday drink with peppermint or cinnamon or some kind of spice that pairs perfectly with winter. Even in the summer they seem to introduce some kind of cold brew or something refreshing as opposed to their normal hot drinks. But this Unicorn Frappucino is just confounding.

The Unicorn Frappucino has a mango puree, some kind of sour powder, whipped cream and sprinkles. There is no coffee is this drink at all. I don't even think there is caffeine. That is fine, but it just seems lost on the menu, and the consumer. I have read multiple people's takes on this drink and they all seem to sound the same. I have seen stuff that says, "it's only good for one sip", or, "8 year old me would have loved this drink, but now that I have developed taste buds, it's disgusting".

All the comments seem to have that same sentiment. I read a story yesterday that said the employees that are making the drink have grown very disenfranchised with it as well. Apparently the powder stains their hands and people complain if it doesn't look like the pictures. Nothing ever looks like the picture. You ever seen a picture of a Big Mac or a Whopper, ordered it, and it looked like that same picture? No way. The picture is supposed to draw you in, and that is it. Food will never look like the picture. That would take far too much time.

To make matters even worse, my wife wants one of these drinks, but she is too embarrassed to order it. Do you know what that means? I have to get one for her because I could care less what the barista's at Starbucks think about me. My wife doesn't want them to think that she is the one drinking this thing. She'd rather they thought it was me, and I'm fine with that. I will not take one sip of this drink though. It sounds way too gross.

Another big issue I have with the Unicorn Frappucino is all the god damn pictures I have to see of it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. That is probably my least favorite thing about social media and food. Everyone has to take pictures of their fancy or different food and share it with their followers. I do not give a shit about what other people are eating or drinking. I only care about what myself, my wife, and most importantly, my kids are eating. I never, ever take pictures of my food and post it to any social media site. That is so stupid and vain. I barely put pictures of myself on there, so why would I put pictures of food or drink. It is a waste of time and storage on your phone or camera. People seem to be more obsessed with ordering the Unicorn Frappucino to take pictures of it rather than drinking it. Great, you just wasted 5 dollars of your money for a picture. It is so stupid.

I guess that is the main issue. We are all too consumed with image as a society now. It shocks me that people will buy one of these drinks, snap a photo of themselves with the drink, take a sip, realize it is gross, and throw it away. They just want people to know that they are one of the many thousands of people that bought the Unicorn Frappucino.

It is not just this particular drink that drives me nuts. I loathe when McDonald's busts out the McRib. I'm not a fan of chicken fries from Burger King. I think Taco Bell having breakfast is vile and disgusting. Everything Arby's does is gross. It's becoming an epidemic in the fast food industry, making newer and newer concoctions for people to talk about. It works, obviously. I'm talking about it today, and I'm probably one of the last people to bring it up. But, fast food places that have established themselves do not need to keep coming up with new, and disgusting, ideas. Stick with the basics. That is why you became successful.

One more thing, if anyone out there has had one of these Unicorn Frappucino's, please tell me about your experience because I have not heard one good thing about it, and I'm dying to know who actually bought one, and enjoyed it.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He is willing to buy your Unicorn Frappucino, but only if you post a photo of Ty on your social media.

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

The McRib and the loss of one's youth

The bones say that this is no McRib

The bones say that this is no McRib

After spending Thanksgiving evening in Columbia, me, my wife, son and daughter all made the drive home on Friday after breakfast. We got very little sleep, a new baby and different house, and we were hungry for anything but turkey. We had our fill, going to three separate Thanksgiving celebrations. So, we chose to get McDonald's. It was right by the gas station where we filled up and it was not turkey.

We all got our usual. I had a quarter pounder, my wife had two cheese burgers and my son got chicken McNuggets. All standard stuff. But, my wife and I decided we wanted to get a McRib. Neither of us had one in over 15 years and we both thought that we remembered they were tasty. So, we threw caution to the wind and ordered one to share. We ate our meals first and then had the McRib afterward. My wife opened it and what was revealed to me was one of the sloppiest "sandwiches" I had ever seen. It was on a hoagie type bun, it was stamped to look like a rib, they SMOTHERED it in their barbecue sauce and pickles and onions were literally falling off the side.

My wife was the brave soul that took the first bite. I asked how it was and she replied, "interesting". I was intrigued. As I said before, I hadn't had one in 15 years and I used to devour them whenever McDonald's brought them back. I LOVED the McRib as a teenager. Now, it was my turn. I took my first bite. Interesting was a great way to describe it, but I would use the words "gross" or "extremely sweet and sloppy" or even "disgusting". Now, I did finish my half of the sandwich. I wanted the full experience I guess. But, it was not the same thing I remember. When I ate the McRib last Friday, I was so disappointed.

First of all, it is just their burger "meat" stamped to look like a rib. My biggest problem with this interpretation, there are supposed to be bones in ribs, that's how the meat gets it's smoky flavor. But the McRib, it's all "meat". Even the bone shape is edible. This was off putting from the get go. Then, you bite into the "sandwich", and all you get is the sweetest barbecue sauce you will ever taste. I've never been much of a fan of their take on barbecue sauce. It's way too thick and way too sweet. I prefer a thinner, spicier barbeque sauce. So, this problem I have is not McDonald's fault, it's just my taste. But the fact that they smother the "sandwich" in their barbecue sauce, that's unacceptable. Why do you need that much sauce on one sandwich? They don't douse their burgers in mustard and ketchup. Their salads aren't drenched with dressing. So why so much sauce on the McRib? My best guess, to mask the taste of the burger "meat". Then, they try, and fail, to cover up the sweetness by adding onions and pickles to the "sandwich". This, in theory, should work, but it falls totally flat. The onions are white onions, so the taste of those mixed in with what seems to be about 32 ounces of barbecue sauce is disgusting. You bite into this sandwich and you taste sweet barbecue sauce and very strong white onions. Does that sound good to anyone out there? (ed note: yes) It's almost like they thought, hey lets combine two totally different, exact opposite flavors because that will make the rest of the "sandwich" not so disgusting. Well McDonald's, I'm sorry to say, it only makes the McRib that much worse. The pickles are almost an afterthought. I've had very good barbeque, I try to go to Memphis once or twice a year just to have some of the best barbeque in the US, and they add pickles on the side, almost like a side dish. This works very well in these restaurants favors. But, the pickles that are on the McRib are sparse and add no flavor. There is 2, maybe 3 pickles on this "sandwich" and you can barely even taste them. They are just slapped on there as if to say, lets add more shit to this sandwich because it's not gross enough.

After finishing my half, I said to my wife, "well, I tried it and I will never eat one again. That was foul". She agreed, but she wasn't as harsh on it as I was. I was so upset at how terrible this "sandwich" had become to me. Also, why is it a seasonal item? Why does it only come around once or twice a year? Does the McRib really have a big enough fan base that McDonald's can have it come and go as they please? I don't know the answers to these questions. It reminds me of Starbucks and their Pumpkin Spice Latte. This was another seasonal item I tried this year that was way too sweet and left me feeling terrible after drinking it. It was just as sweet as the McRib, but in a different way. I felt like I was drinking pumpkin pie and that's not the way pumpkin pie should be consumed. Pumpkin pie should be eaten, not drank. Just like ribs should be eaten bone in, not smushed together into one single, edible patty. Both the Pumpkin Spice Latte and the McRib are terrible, terrible products that need to go away forever. I know a lot of people may like these two things, but I don't. They're too sweet and taste pretty awful. I'm more bummed about the McRib though.

 I absolutely adored the McRib as a teenager, but as an adult, it does absolutely nothing except make me feel awful after I eat it. I guess that's how it goes as you grow up though. Tastes change and you find new things you like and old things you loved are no good anymore. From now on, I'll stick with my quarter pounder with cheese whenever those few and far between moments I get lunch or dinner at McDonalds. No more McRibs for me.

Not now, not ever.

(Ed note: We believe in letting all voices be heard. I strongly disagree with Ty and can only say that the sloppy fake meat seasonal treat from McDonald's is a delight. Ty's taste buds did not become more refined, they became more wrong. Long live the McRib.)


Ty is the Pop Culture Editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man podcast. He is looking forward to McDonald's Shamrock Shake with extra green flavor. Follow Ty on twitter @tykulik.

Ty is tired of idiots who fight coffee and embrace racism

Idiots make my head hurt

Idiots make my head hurt

I don't get political on this site ever. I'm not into politics and I feel that's its best, for me, to keep my political beliefs to myself. Politics are RD's thing and he does them well. But, two recent news stories have really gotten to me. They've both made me angry for very different reasons. I feel that I need to talk about these things because, if I keep them inside, I'll explode.

I am going to start with this whole Starbucks thing with the red cups. First of all, who really gives a shit about the cup that you're drinking delicious coffee out of? I've never noticed the cup before, but these recent stories coming from jack ass religious people are boiling my blood. The religious right is complaining that Starbucks is unholy because they aren't doing their Christmas or holiday cups this year. They're just doing a red cup. First of all, I like that Starbucks is trying to not affiliate itself with any holiday. A corporation shouldn't have to tell or show you their religious beliefs. Who cares what you believe in, as long as you aren't hurting anyone and the product is good? That's what I say. But, these asshole Christians coming into a Starbucks, or going on live TV or social media and degrading Starbucks for "taking the Christ out of Christmas" need to get a god damned life. Hey assholes, maybe the people who run Starbucks don't celebrate the same holiday that you do. People all over the world celebrate different holidays. That's why people should say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" this time of year. Not everybody is a Christian, I hate to burst your bubble Catholics and any other iteration of Christians. Also, how do you know that your "God", if there is even a God(I personally don't believe there is) celebrates Christmas? Just because your dumbass Bible tells you so doesn't make it true. The Bible is as reliable as someone saying, "I heard it from a friend of a friend". It's all hearsay and conjecture, and written by governments so the established white people stayed in power. It's ridiculous story after ridiculous story passed down and rewritten many times. Basically, the Bible is a crock of shit. It's as reliable as a story from "In Touch" magazine or "Us Weekly". It's a rag, and it's false. I used to believe pretty heavily in this stuff, and if you do believe, that's great for you, just don't stuff your religious opinion down my throat, I don't care. But, I grew up and was taught science through my folks. Now, I am a man of facts, not faith. So, all you wacko Christians going into Starbucks and saying your name is Merry Christmas, get a life and find some real things to complain about. Instead of bitching and moaning about a stupid cup, put your religious fervor towards something that matters. Try helping starving children overseas and in America. Do something that helps, stop complaining about a cup.

A bunch of imbeciles.

The other thing that has me upset is this whole situation going on in Columbia, Missouri at the University of Missouri. To get it out in the open immediately, I side with what the students and players did, going on strike until that racist, ignorant and arrogant piece of shit president resigned. They did the absolute right thing. What makes me angry are people out there calling these students and athletes spoiled and arrogant and saying that their scholarships should be revoked. What kind of ass backwards shit is that? These kids did something very important and took a stand against racism. Why should the football players have to give up their scholarships? Why do people think that going on strike made these kids feel entitled? How is what they did any different than when we have a labor union strike? These laborers, who seem to be the majority of people that dislike what the students and athletes did, get upset when another company comes in and undercuts them, offers a lower price to make a product and that certain company goes with the cheaper price. Then, while driving around or taking my son to his basketball game, I have to see grown ass adults holding a sign that says "Shame on Lucky's Market" or "Shame on insert company name here" for hiring non union workers. I'm sorry, but I thought your beloved America was a country that was built on commerce. Why wouldn't a company take a cheaper price to give you the same product? Who gives a shit if the name Boeing is attached when some other company can make me the same stuff for a lesser price. So, I ask again, why is what the students and the athletes at the University of Missouri did any different than when laborers go on strike? The only difference I see is racism. The now former president of the University of Missouri was and is clearly a racist. He does not care about students of color. Take their non violent protest when they stood in front of his Corvette and he had his driver, because of course he has a driver, rev the engine and eventually bump into some of the students. What the hell is that? Why don't these kids deserve to feel safe? They are away from their families, most of them in a new town, and they have to deal with stupid ass, privileged white boys yelling racial slurs at them and the president of the university does nothing. That's a crying shame. Did I miss something, because I thought we were in the 21st century. This is supposed to be a golden age where everyone is equal. Men, women, white people, black people, brown people, Chinese people, so on and so forth. But, this doesn't seem to be the case on Missouri's campus right now. They reverted to the 50's, and that was not a good time in America. I find it totally obnoxious that the people complaining the most about the protests are white people, that I assume. are all conservatives. That's absurd. Get over yourselves. We are all equal, contrary to what you dumbasses believe, and what these kids did was 100 percent in the right. Stop bad mouthing them and telling them they deserve to have their scholarships revoked. If they deserve that, all the laborers out there deserve to have their jobs taken away when they go on strike. Fair is fair, right? Conservatives will tell you an eye for an eye, right?

Just stop with all the nonsense and realize that we are in the 21st century. Not everyone celebrates, or even believes in Christmas, and we are all created equal. That's what they wrote in the Constitution over 200 plus years ago. We are all equals. And a big thank you to RD for giving me this platform to get on my soapbox about these two issues today. I needed to get this off my chest. I know I'll hear from people in the comment section and all I can say is, this is one man's opinion on these issues.

Take it or leave it.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man podcast. His goal in life is to attend a gay wedding in Indiana that serves pizza at the reception. Follow Ty on twitter @tykulik

The Excellent and Uncomfortable Humor of "Nathan for You"

We're saving this one for Nathan

We're saving this one for Nathan

Let's all take a minute to soak in the genius that is Comedy Central's "Nathan For You".

The show is in its third season now and it just gets better and better. The first season was a very nice surprise. He put out the basis of the show. He's a business school grad and he wants to help small businesses grow. This is all played for laughs because, his ideas are insane. The two notable ideas from season one were, the poop flavored frozen yogurt and the pig saving another animal from drowning in a lake. The latter idea became a viral sensation. People thought this was a real event and it even made it on national news. To watch Nathan Fielder and his team put this all together was hilarious. I love that it was blown this much out of proportion.

In the poop flavored frozen yogurt episode, I believe it was the series premiere, he convinced a small frozen yogurt place that the only way they could compete with the heavy hitters in town was to have "unique" flavors. He convinced this store owner that poop flavored yogurt would not only drive customers to his store, but it would put this guy on the map. This, of course, didn't work out and the guy nixed the idea after one day. Very, very funny. Season two brought us the infamous Dumb Starbucks. This was genius on so many levels. He used an iconic logo, bringing in tons of customers, and all he had to do was put the word dumb in front of Starbucks. This was, much like the pig story, nationwide news. Everybody talked about this. It was on every news network from MSNBC to my hometown, Saint Louis', local news. Everyone knew of this prank. He also had a running gag throughout all of season two that was great. He kept asking random people how he could be more approachable and cool. These people gave him what they thought was good advice. It was terrible and Fielder did everything they said. He dyed his hair jet black, he wore very skinny jeans and deep, deep V neck shirts. He looked like a total douche. When he met new people and they commented on how bad he looked, he'd confront the people that gave him the advice, and their whole tone changed. They'd claim that they didn't tell him to wear such skinny jeans, or the necks were too deep in his shirts. But, if you go back and watch, he did everything, exactly as these folks told him. Once again, very funny.

So far, we are two episodes into season three, and it's just as good as the first two, if not better. The first episode has Fielder helping an electronics store owner who's losing customers to Best Buy. Fielders theory, Best Buy takes competitors coupons and matches them, so Fielder tells the store owner to have a big store wide sale on TV's, selling them for 1 dollar. There's a whole plethora of hoops to get through to get the cheap TV, but the whole idea was to buy out all the TV's at Best Buy for a dollar using this competitors coupon. Best Buy won't match because this is absurd, but Fielder is so determined, he threatens to take Best Buy to court. He quickly finds out that he can only win if the owner of the small electronics store is determined clinically insane. He takes this man to a psychiatrist, tells the, therapist, confidentially, that his friend is insane, and she agrees. But, they again quickly realize that they won't be able to beat Best Buy, they're too big and powerful. I know this all sounds nuts, but it's so funny and really awkward. It's great TV. Last nights episode had a couple of different ideas. One was a ranch that wouldn't allow anyone over 220lbs to ride a horse. Fielder gets the idea to attach helium balloons to bigger people, thus causing them to feel lighter and get these people horse rides. Good idea, but too pricy and too ridiculous. Nathan even scolds two on lookers for laughing at the gentleman that has three huge helium balloons attached to him while riding a horse. In the second part of the episode, he explains that a company called Tiaga, a jacket maker and a brand he loves, is in bed with a holocaust denier. This upsets him and he comes up with his own line of soft shell jackets with a holocaust education attached. When he pitches this to a store, they let him do a trial run, all done up with holocaust literature, pictures of holocaust victims and even an oven with a fake skeleton in it. Needless to say, it was extremely uncomfortable, wrong and nixed by the owner immediately. All the awkwardness from Fielder, the store owner and even a rabbi was uncomfortable in every possible way, but also extremely hilarious. His final idea in the episode was setting up a "man zone" in a women's clothing store. As he puts it, "a place for bros to hang while the lady shops". His first hang out session doesn't work so well, and Fielder decides that he needs to talk about sex to get the guys to hang out longer. The stuff these men say, on camera, is appalling and hilarious. Fielder delivers the best line of the night. When the guys are first hanging out, he leans back in his chair, trying to be cool, and says, "all I need when hanging with my bros is a mother effin beer". Those exact words. Fielders awkwardness makes this great on so many levels. I love this show. It's fantastic and awkward and goofy and funny. Nathan Fielder is a true comedy genius and this show is a must watch.

I'm so excited for the rest of the season and I hope there's many, many more to come.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man podcast. He learned all about business from the "Buddy Bands" episode of "Saved by the Bell". Follow Ty on twitter @tykulik.