Go Out and Get Yourself a Pomegranate

I watch a lot of cooking videos, most of them on Instagram. The videos I watch have made me want to cook more and more, and I have made quite a few recipes that I have seen on Instagram. Because of my love of cooking videos another type of video that shows up in my algorithm pertaining to food is people cutting fruit. It is mesmerizing. I watch the fruit cutting videos when I'm winding down for the day. They calm me before sleep. These videos have made me try a few of the ideas out in the real world as well. One such video that caught my attention was a person cutting a pomegranate.

I fully understand that I can go to the store and buy pre cut fruit, but did you all know it is far cheaper to buy the whole fruit and cut it yourself? I'm sure a lot of you already did know this, but it has been a relatively new found thing in my life. So now I pretty much exclusievly buy whole fruit and cut it at home. Thus making these videos all the more relevant in my life. So this pomegranate one was quite intriguing.

I bought a whole pomegranate and cut it up at home. It was a mess, but it did the job and I had a bunch of pomegranate seeds to snack on for a few days. And I have to tell you all, this is one of my new favorite snacks. Fruits and veggies cut up have become a new thing in my home since we have had kids. We try our hardest to give them quality snacks, and fruits are a good entry way to other, better for you snack foods. So when we had this pomegranate, everyone was a little confused. But then we all tried them and loved them. I love how it is a burst of flavor. Those little seeds pack a punch, a tasty punch at that. And there are so many of them in one single pomegranate. I almost filled a small tupperware. The flavor is awesome. A pomegranate is like a cherry mixed with fruit punch and adds the smallest bit of sour. With each bite I want to eat more and more of them. At first I would grab a few with my fingers. But after a while I was eating the seeds by the spoonful. I couldn't get enough of them. I would come home from a run and eat some of the seeds as a snack afterward. It was great. My son would come home from basketball practice and want some. My daughter would eat them after karate and my wife chose them after some of her bike rides. The seeds were a great way to trick my kids into thinking they were having sweets. The sweetness from the seeds is right up there with some candy, but the pomegranate is a little better for them, and my wife and I. We eat grapes and cantaloupe and apples in my house. My son and I love pineapple. My wife enjoys a good banana. But pomegranate seeds have made their way into our rotation now. I will usually get two at the store just to have some extra in a tupperware.

I understand that I am late to the pomegranate game, but I'm fully in it now and I couldn't be happier about it. Pomegranates rule. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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