An Ode to Stuffing

With Thanksgiving around the corner, my family celebrates it, I have food on my mind this week. Today I want to talk about what I think is the best food to have at your table if you celebrate Thanksgiving. That food is stuffing.

Stuffing is kind of the jack of all trades when it comes to side dishes for the holidays. Fact of the matter though, I'd like to eat stuffing year round, and as an adult, I eat stuffing now more than ever. It is kind of perfect in my eyes. I like it because it is not only filling, it is also incredibly flavorful.

The thing with stuffing is, it takes on whatever you cook with it or whatever you add to it. Sometimes I like to go simple and just add gravy. The gravy makes it slick and, depending on the flavor of gravy, the stuffing takes it on and adds a new dimension. I also like to take my turkey on Thanksgiving and add that along with the gravy. This is my perfect bite on the holiday. It combines my three favorite flavors of that day in specific. It is like a meat extravaganza, but the only meat is turkey. I know a lot of people that like to add cranberry sauce to stuffing, get the salty and the sweet. I do not like cranberry sauce, but I get it and I support anyone that wants to try it out, or continue to eat those flavor combos. I also enjoy taking leftover stuffing and making my version of stuffing pancakes. They are like potato pancakes, only they are made of stuffing. These are great, and if you add gravy to it, it is the best version of a savory pancake. I do also enjoy taking a fork full of stuffing and eating it with mashed potatoes. It can be doughy and bready, but it is damn delicious.

I should make myself clear when I speak about what kind, what brand that is, of stuffing that I like. I know people like to take classic stuffing and do some wild stuff with it. My brother makes cornbread stuffing. People have started to add sausage and other meat to stuffing. I know that some people make sweet stuffing. While that is all well and good, I like the boxed stuffing mix. I like the one where you add either water or broth. I prefer broth, but I'll eat it either way. I don't really care what brand it is either. I get the stuff from Aldi, Chef's Kitchen it is called, but I'll take a Stouffer's or whatever other brand is out there, as long as it is boxed. It has the salty and meaty flavor I crave. I like how simple it is to make. I like that I can add stuff to it from my plate and that stuff will make the stuffing even better. It is a malleable food that works on so many different levels.

Stuffing,  you are the best. My son and I both like to fancy ourselves the "Stuffing Kings". It is a dish that should be, and can be, year round, as long as you let it be. My hat is off to stuffing. What a dish. 

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Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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