The Dunkin Butternut Donut is So Good I Wish I was Eating it Right Now

One of my favorite splurge breakfast items is a donut. I love them. I like all flavors too. Even when the new hip spots do some wild stuff with donuts, I'm down to try it out. I think it is the sweetness and the fact that I can eat them for breakfast and not be judged is why I love a good donut.

One of my favorite spots to go grab a dozen donuts from is Dunkin Donuts. They have a system that works and they pump out some pretty solid donuts. One of my favorites is the butternut. This donut is the best thing they have on the menu in my opinion. My wife went to Dunkin recently to grab some donuts but told me they were all out. I hope she meant just for that day because I would be legitimately bummed if they discontinue this item. Trying to describe this donut is where it gets tricky. It has flavors of coconut in it, but I don't think there is any actual coconut. Coconut is usually a non starter for me, I don't like the texture. But, I love the flavor of coconut. I like how tropical it tastes. It makes me think I am on vacation. I like how sweet it tastes. So, if you can get rid of the texture and just give me the flavor, that is a win. Then, the glaze on this donut is very thin and very mild. It is almost as if it is not there, but you know it is. There is a schein of the glaze that gets on your hands. I think it is just to give you even more of a feeling of a donut. And how light it is spread on the donut doesn't take away any flavor from the coconut flavor. The little crunchy stuff on the donut adds a nice texture element. Again. I don't know what it is, a quick search could tell me, but I like thinking about this donut as a mystery, that makes it even better for me. So whatever these crunchy bits are on there, they add some great flavor. I also like that you have this soft thing juxtaposed with a peanut like quality, but I know it is not peanuts. My daughter is allergic to peanuts and we asked and they assured us there are no peanuts in the butternut donut. Then we have the donut itself. It feels like a mix between a cake donut and a Krispy Kreme donut. It is light but filling. Two of these donuts are more than enough for breakfast. They will make you feel like you've had a good sized breakfast. And if you are patient enough to take your time with these donuts, the delight you will feel while eating them will make your breakfast that much better. I love the butternut donuts so much that I won't even dip them in milk or coffee. I feel like that would take away from how delicious these donuts taste. I don't want to take anything away from their greatness.

I highly suggest you go to Dunkin and get a butternut donut. And if they are discontinuing them for some crazy reason, that would be wild. These are the best things they have going on right now. I'd much rather have a dozen butternut donuts than munchkins or any other donut on the menu. Butternut donuts rule.