Ty Voted

Today is a very important, very big day for the future of our country. But, I am not going to sit here and tell you who you should vote for, or why you should vote for that person or that proposition. We have all been, properly, inundated with reasons why. Instead, I am going to tell you why I voted the way that I voted. Why this all means so very much to me, my wife and the future of our children. Why I want to see change for the better, and why I think the people I voted for will bring about said change. Why all the people who thought that not voting 2 years ago were so very wrong. That is what I want to put out there today.

I voted because, like the majority of people, the last 2 years have been hell on Earth. I cannot go a single day without the idiots in DC doing something stupid, illegal, immoral, wrong and despicable. It is so disheartening to wake up every single god damn day and see that everything is more screwed up than it was the day before. The people that currently reside in DC, when they aren't playing golf or hanging at their tacky ass club, which seems to be about 99 percent of the time, are morons with no political training. They have bent over backwards to try and push us back to a time in American history that is wrought with tension. I didn't grow up in the 50's, but I have read enough and heard enough to know that is was pretty awful back then, especially for minorities and women.

I feel like the people I voted for, all Democrats, can get us back, in some shape and form, to how we were 3 years ago. I am talking about when Obama was in the White House and things were smooth. There wasn't a day, for the entire 8 years that Obama was president, when I was worried. Now, I am worried every single day. This has spread to my kids, and even though she won't admit it, my wife. I am terrified for my son everyday he goes into his school. There have been so many shootings at so many different places, and schools are one of the main spots, since this group of buffoons took over. They are so much more worried about lining their pockets and getting money from organizations, like the terrorist group NRA, than the safety of children. So, every morning when I drop my son off, I get antsy. I tense up. It isn't until 4 pm my time, when I see his face, do I feel better. I feel like there are people on ballots now that can change that for me. My wife works in a male and conservative dominated industry. I fear that if they knew that her husband was such a liberal, they would give her the stink eye. They would look at her in a different light. My father worked in a field filled with conservatives, and even though he did get sideways looks, he never deviated. My wife is the same, but still, I don't want her to be judged because of me while she is working. My daughter will be starting school soon too, so my worries will double. Also, she is a female, and women have had a very, very rough go of it for the past 2 years. This current "government" looks down on them. That is so wrong on so many levels. My daughter will not be told she is lesser than, and she will not be raised that way. I voted for some people today so my daughter can see that women can be in charge and can be powerful. That she doesn't have to take crap from a guy, just because he is a guy. She is going to be a strong, independent woman, and I want her to see other strong, independent women in positions of power.

As far as the people who decided that they didn't need to vote, or didn't want to vote 2 years ago, what a waste. I hope these past 2 years have been just as brutal for you as they've been for me. This whole situation, what is going on in the US right now, directly involves you. To all the "Bernie Bros", who I was once affiliated with, and the people who thought it would be funny to have the current "president" that is there right now and the people who claimed, "their vote didn't matter", that was all nonsense. Your displeasure with Hilary, or inability to get over yourself, or your flat out stupidity has helped put us where we are today. Your non vote was a vote for this current group of assholes. As I said, I loved Bernie Sanders, but he wouldn't have won, and Hilary Clinton was a much better option. Now is the time to get over it.

Today I have hope, but I also have many, many doubts. I have read good news, but I also read good news 2 years, and look what happened. We need change in this country. We need to get out there and let our voices be heard. We need to show the bullies that we are not afraid of them. We need to let these monsters know that they work for us, we don't work for them. We need to let terrorist groups like the NRA know that they can't just buy our vote. We need to stand up, exercise our right and vote these assholes out. I'm done with thoughts and prayers. I'm done being scared. I'm done reading bad news constantly. That can all change.

Please, if you haven't already, go out there and let your voice be heard. Go out there and vote like our lives, our kids lives, our kid's kids lives and their kid's kids lives depend on it, because it does.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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