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We Need New Leadership

It would feel odd if I didn't finish out this week with some kind of political and social piece. I will get back to the more pop culture stuff next week, but this week has been a historic one. I talked about the boycott, I talked about the shooting of another unarmed black man and I have talked about how this seems to be a moment, or at least the beginning of a moment, in the US.

There is something, hopefully, happening right now. People are fed up. People are sick and tired. People want change. Everyone wants equal rights. The time has come for an uprising, and a removal of racist assholes in positions of power. There has been so much civil unrest since the goblin that resides in the White House took office almost four years ago. It has all been bad. He has emboldened racists and fascists and, quite frankly, mentally unstable people. We are in the midst of a seemingly never ending pandemic. People have seemed to just push that aside. We have unemployment rates as bad as they have ever been. There are so many more problems where we sit today than there were five years ago on the exact same day. The US is a mess. The country is divided. Things are just awful. There are days I do not want to get out of bed because I am fearful for what the day will hold. My kids are currently learning virtually. This is all messed up.

We need to change. We need to get out and vote these monsters out of power. We need to be proactive and tell these monsters that enough is enough. Look, Joe Biden wasn't my first choice either. I am a dyed in the wool Democrat. I will always vote blue. But I was on the Beto train at first, then I jumped on the Warren train and then I was all in for Bernie. They didn't get the nomination, and I know that frustrates a lot of people who don't follow one particular political party. And, as I said, Biden wasn't even in my top five of choices. But then he picked Kamala Harris as his running mate, and I have watched him and her speak, and I am ready to run through the wall to vote for them. Change takes time. The country is going to be a two party system no matter what we do at the moment. So, I implore people to vote for Biden and Harris, even if they weren't your tenth choice. As my wife said the other day, "this is truly an election where we pick the lesser of two evils". I couldn't agree more. Go out and vote to get Biden and Harris in the White House. They will, at the very least, level things out. And during their time in office, the people who want there to be more than two political parties, go out and pound the pavement and do all you can to make this more than a two party system. But now, or in November at least, we need to do the right thing. We need Biden and Harris to win. We need them in the office.

I cannot imagine how much worse the next four years could be if the people currently in office stay there. They have shown no signs that they believe in science, that they care about anyone other than themselves, that they care about people that don't look like them, that they have a soul, it is all very, very frightening. I am truly scared what the US will look like if we get four more years of this nonsense. I don't know that it will ever be the same, but Biden and Harris have shown that they listen to scientists. They have talked about mandating masks throughout the country. They both clearly have empathy and souls and are willing to talk and, more importantly, listen to people of other races. We need to go out in record numbers and vote these monsters out. We need to show them that they cannot, will not, steal another election from the people. I'm sick of them acting like the CoronaVirus is gone. I'm sick of them claiming that people are safe. We are as far from safe as we have ever been, at least in my lifetime. And I'm sick of all the other lies and hatred and rhetoric and fear mongering that these scumbags have perpetuated over these last four years.

It is time to lead. Let's keep with this momentum. Let's continue to stick with one another and demand change. Let's get all the criminals out of the White House that are there right now. Please, I implore and beg you, vote in November. And if you are on the fence, or upset that it wasn't your pick, just take a look at where we are as a country right now and think about if you want four more years of this. Your vote is your vote, I just hope it is used for the right reasons this time. Please, please let's make some changes. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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