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Drew Brees is a Stupidhead

I know "RTJ 4" came out early, and I am still going to dedicate all of next week to the record. Believe me, I have listened to the whole thing multiple times already, and the early release will only give me more time to be more eloquent when I write about it all next week. I'm still doing that. For the remainder of this week though, I have a few things I want to write about.

Today I will focus my energy on Drew Brees and his insensitive, stupid, misinformed and racist statement he made on some show I have never even heard of yesterday. He has already apologized, but it was one of the most cliched apologies I have ever read. It felt like it was pre written years ago by someone that works for him in case he said something as dumb as he did yesterday. I don't buy his apology, and I think, when he made his statement about "standing for the flag" yesterday, that is what is truly in his heart. That is what he believes. The apology is to try and save face. He doesn't mean it, he just doesn't want anyone mad at him anymore. To that I say, too late. I have seen a few people come to his defense, and bring up freedom of speech. To those people I say, read a book and actually look at what guys like Colin Kaepernick and others when doing when they knelt during the anthem. Find out why they were actually doing that. Read what they were peacefully protesting by kneeling. They are more American than Drew Brees could ever dream of being, or any other racist that sits on their couch and yells at them for "disrespecting the flag".

Brees' statement, for those of you that still don't know, or are simply avoiding it, was basically spitting in the face of players who peacefully protested police brutality. The protests have nothing to do with the flag, with America, with disrespect, with wars, none of that. Kaepernick started kneeling because of police brutality aimed at minorities. He knelt because he saw what we all see everyday. A lot of police officers profile minorities, without even doing a check first, and that was what the players were protesting. They weren't protesting the anthem. They weren't saying the hate America, although I don't really like it right now. They were, and still are, protesting police brutality. So for Brees to make a blanket statement like he did yesterday, he clearly hasn't done his research, and he said what I feel like he truly believes. He didn't do his homework, he just popped off at the mouth.

And boy oh boy did the heat come pretty much immediately after it was shown on multiple websites. We have just witnessed the police murder a man in cold blood. In fact, police have been doing this forever. Kaepernick's protest started in 2016. So, after the Brees interview was released, star athletes everywhere chimed in, as I hoped they would. LeBron James instantly called him out, stating, "is it still a surprise, not anymore". That is one of the truest statements that was made yesterday. Teammates of his, Michael Thomas and Malcolm Jenkins and Emmaunel Sanders came out and called him out on his racist statement. Richard Sherman chimed in with some very thought provoking statements. Stephen Jackson and Ed Reed put out two great, two not safe for work, videos that I have watched multiple times. Hell, even Aaron Rodgers came out and said something. After Rodgers statement, CJ McCollum came out and tweeted, "we need more Aaron Rodgers and less Drew Brees". He is right. Since then many, many other athletes have come out and spoken their minds. Players are talking about all the respect they have lost for him, how phony his whole "brotherhood" stuff is, how he doesn't really, truly care about anyone but himself. I completely agree with them. His statement was so selfish and so self fulfilling. He doesn't care about Michael Thomas or Alvin Kamara or any skill player that is a minority on his team. They have made him millions of dollars, but his statement yesterday alone proves he doesn't care about them personally at all. He looks at them like owners of football teams do. They are property to him, and if they kneel to protest police brutality, he doesn't even want to give them the time of day. He doesn't care. And the apology does nothing to change my mind at all.

Drew Brees is a scumbag and he showed me, and all of the world yesterday his true colors. I didn't cheer for or against the Saints before yesterday, but now I will be cheering very hard against Drew Brees. He is as misinformed as any other person out there that has never done a lick of research into why players were/are peacefully protesting. He is a racist and I will only see that in him now. He can apologize all he wants, my mind is made up. As Ed Reed said, he is a "sucka". That's facts. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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