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Have Some Courage and Stop Complaining about the iPhone 7 EarPod Evolution

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye.

Being an Apple user, I have an iPhone, so does my wife, and I have an iPod, I was not surprised that they were putting out a newer version of their phone, the iPhone 7. They do this all the time. It will be bigger, yet sleeker, new and improved, and it will be the best phone that they will have ever assembled, until the next one comes out. Look, I like Apple products. I think that they work really well and are very useful. But, I do not like the fact that they are putting out something new seemingly every 6 to 8 months. I just got an iPhone 6, which is a great phone, but I am three phones behind their newest model now.

That is not the reason for the blog today. My biggest problem from the new release of the iPhone 7 is the complaints coming from people that the earbuds are now wireless. Talk about your first world problems. Yeesh, for people to get mad about something as trivial as that, we clearly have a problem as a country. Anyone anywhere will find something to complain about, even when the product is the most advanced thing that has ever been created in its field. I mean, had you told me 15 years ago, when I was listening to CD's in my Walkman, that I would be able to buy headphones that have no wires, my head would have exploded. We live in a very cool time, as far as advances in technology go.

But, like I said, people will find even the smallest thing to complain about. I hear people complaining, saying things like, why is there no jack for head phones, or what if I lose my earbuds, or how will I listen to music in my car, what am I going to do now when I exercise. Think about what you are complaining about. I don't want to get all preachy and sound stuck up or anything, but do you think people living in huts in underdeveloped parts of the globe, or living in igloos near the northern most part of the world, or people living in houses with dirt floors in third world countries really want to hear us lazy Americans complain about some damn headphones? No way.

That is the problem with the US. We are lazy and complain about everything. Now, I'm not saying I don't do that. Hell, I complain about a lot of stuff on this website and on our podcast , but I know it is all in good fun, and when I get it off my chest, I let it go. Just like I will do today after I write this. But, I ask again, why is this such a big deal? Why is it front page news on websites? Why are so many people, mainly entitled millennials, moaning and groaning about this new era of earbuds? I don't know the answer, and that kind if bugs me.

I mean, first of all, who really cares. We will adapt to this, just like we did when VHS went to DVD and DVD went to Blu Ray. Or, just like when 8 tracks went to cassette and cassette went to CD and now, CD's have been replaced by MP3's or iTunes. Things change and we find ways to change with them. Sure, it will be weird at first, trying to listen to something in my car, I have not set up my bluetooth, but I will figure it out, and I am near being a technology illiterate. And yeah, it may be a bit different when I go for a run and put in wireless earbuds, but, what if I love it? What if it makes running so much easier? I tend to knock the earbuds out of my ears if I am running hard because I hit the cord that attaches them. Maybe this new invention will stop me from doing that. I don't know, but I know that I will adapt. As will all the people complaining about it right now. It is really such a minuscule thing that really has no effect or impact on our lives. We will get through these "trying" times. I just wish we weren't so entitled and lazy as a country.

I have dedicated an entire blog to those that are complaining about some headphones for gods sake. It's sad if you think about it, and it mainly comes from my generation. We think that everything should be easy, because if it's not, we will not do it, and let thousands of people know about our dislike. We need to get over it, and I'm talking mainly to all millennials. We live in a great time, but all we do, for the most part, is bitch and moan when something isn't the way we think it should be. I hope when my kids get older they don't have to deal with nonsense like this. Hopefully they will be more grateful for all the cool shit that they are going to have when they are my age. But, one can only hope.

Anyway, seriously millennials, it's some damn headphones. Get over it and just enjoy your new iPhone because there will be a new one before we know it, and the iPhone 7, with its wireless headphones and all, will soon be an afterthought.

ed note: The original title incorrectly called the headphones earbuds. They are called earpods. The internet is filled with helpful people.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. Hear Ty talk about how he listens to music has changed in the last 30 years on a classic edition of the X Millennial Man Podcast. Ty is also on twitter, go follow him @tykulik