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Ty Watches "Stranger Things"

I just finished, last night in fact, "Stranger Things" on Netflix. Now, just to get it all out of the way, this is going to be a shorter post from me today. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, I'll get into that in a minute, but I do want to talk about a show that a lot of other people have been talking about. I was, at first, opposed to watching "Stranger Things". I thought it was going to be straight horror. I was picturing nothing but gore and scary stuff happening throughout. But, after some posturing and a good talking to from my wife, I gave in and told her I'd watch with her.

Boy am I glad that I gave in because "Stranger Things" was absolutely phenomenal. My wife and I usually take about two to three weeks to finish a season of certain shows, but we finished "Stranger Things" in less than two weeks, and we were out of town for three of those days. We would sit down after putting our kids to bed and just watch. We had to see what happened next. We could not wait two or three days at a time in between episodes. The mini vacation was great, but we kept talking about the fact that we couldn't watch the show. The people we visited, we asked them to not spoil anything because they had finished the show, but we were only half way through.

I haven't felt this way about a show since I got very heavily into "Lost". I know that I write about a lot of shows, like "Bar Rescue" and "The Eric Andre Show", both of which I truly adore, but "Stranger Things" was so, so much better than pretty much anything that I currently watch on TV. Some of the shows that I watch weekly, I can go a couple of days before watching, but I craved "Stranger Things". The show was quite spectacular. I'm not going to spoil anything because this show needs to be watched. It is so god damn incredible, and just like I did not want our friends in Chicago to spoil anything, I will not spoil a single thing. I feel that is only fair.

I do want to talk about some of the things I really liked about the show though. I loved the cast. Winona Ryder really showed up for this role and she was great. David Harbour, an actor I'm not to familiar with, did a very good job. Matthew Modine was creepy and excellent. The other, older actors all did a very good job in their roles. But, the kids on this show were the stars. They were all fantastic. The middle school aged kids were great. The high school aged kids were great. And the college aged kids were great. But, the young girl that is the main character, she is the star. She was exceptional, and she is going to start doing bigger things after this. 

"Stranger Things" captured the time, the style and the attitude of the 80's in a small Midwest town to perfection. I could relate to a lot of what was going on. Which leads me to the set pieces. The sets were excellent. Everything looked like it was from 1980. It just had that look, and I know you guys know what I'm talking about. The Duffer Brothers, the creators of the show, hit an absolute home run with pretty much everything they chose to do with "Stranger Things", all the way from choosing Netflix to how each character dressed, and everything in between.

I am so grateful to my wife for talking me into this show. Sure, there was horror and gore, but there was also comedic moments, coming of age moments, fights and stories about the importance of family. I have zero bad things to say about "Stranger Things", except for the fact that it took me so long to watch it. This show was perfect in every single way. I'm sure it will be back for a second season, and I can only hope it is half as good as this first season. If you like horror, mystery, comedy and science fiction, watch "Stranger Things" immediately. Read this blog, then stop whatever else you were going to do today and binge watch it. I guarantee that you will love it. It's so good.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. When rolling the die, he thinks Netflix is rolling some true 20's. Follow Ty on twitter @tykulik.